I am wondering what causes hard, round stools (like rabbit excretions). Everyday I have these hard dark brown stools and once those are out then the bm is normal behind the hard stuff. It seems to create a plug and the only way to get them out is with enemas. I had many tests with a gi doc (colonoscopy ect..), and they found no reason for this. They were of no help whatsoever after many expensive appointments and testing. (Imagine that). This has been going on for quite some time even with the use of fiber and softeners. I know i have
parasites (also which the gi doc failed to diagnose)because they are mostly scattered. It upsets me that these hard lumps go on and on and there doesnt seem to be a solution or diagnosis. I did not realize when submitting a stool sample that I should wait for one that contained the lumpy stuff or parasites, I was completely unaware of how the med system worked and getting retested is near impossible. If it helps anyone when getting a stool test, dont sumit the jars of specimen until you clearly can see a problematic stool. The colon is very large and not every sample will reveal your problem.