49 days on iodine, 2 weeks on 100 mgs.
I've been taking all my supplements this week, plus the salts daily:
EmergenC packets
B12 liquid drops
Liquid multi
Vita D3 Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium Oil
potassium chloride/celtic salt
multivitamin patch!
I started back on 100 mgs of
Iodine last Sunday after a two day rest. Just like last week, I got tired and every day after, my energy level improved.
Yesterday I woke up with a mild sore throat. It faded in and out throughout the day. And then today I developed bloating and started belching again. And here I thought I had turned the page when it comes to the bloating/belching episodes.
I'm actually pretty happy about it. I think the sore throat and the bloating/belching means the
Iodine has penetrated another layer of the thyroid and other tissues and booted out some more halogens into my bloodstream. I think it means I'm successfully detoxing and the health of my thyroid is continuing to improve.
Neuropathy in thighs and feet have been mild all week. No flare-ups. It seems the trend of the pain getting less and less intense every week is continuing.
I don't think I've gained any more weight this week. (I don't dare get on the scale least I get extremely discouraged). But I'm pretty sure I have not lost.
The big exciting clarity of thinking and high energy continues to elude me. I'm guessing I'm seriously toxic and I'm going to have to patiently wait until after the detox period to see these positive effects.
so, onward!
Oh and I started with the patch this Monday after it arrived in the mail. I like it although I don't know if it really working. It has a little more iron than I would prefer, but otherwise
it's almost like my dream combination of vitamins. It even has 3 mgs. of boron: