Yes losing faith and respect for the medical community day by day. As frustrated as you are, seeing them physically in my stool and regurgitating them.
I thought my ID doctor would be the most open and understanding about my symptoms but he was the worst of the worst. He and my 1st derm refuses to believe anything other than the "FACTS" on my lab reports. By the way, encyst casing could be a reason why its not being found [heard up to 20 years], in my case they aren't testing for myiasis specifically, or the larva ova is not in later instar, that it wont be detected what I read upon. I made sure to do a cleanse/ detox where they hopefully detect something. Just inner peace of knowing you aren't crazy and nothing feels as good as a FU or I TOLD YOU SO.
Tomorrow I do an endoscopy and colonoscopy. Friday I will get a 2nd biopsy and making sure they extract it to witness it for themselves first hand. I will be relieved when this is all behind me with confirmation: accidental myiasis for the past 4 mos and blasting reviews of the first derm and this so called infectious disease dr that only does "local diseases" and doubts everything possible but meanwhile he is hesitant to look at my lesions and disregard the freaking human botfly that I extracted. I've gone thorugh 3 GPS, 2 Derms, 1 ID, before I found a derm and gastro to take me seriously. I will be so happy tomorrow that I can't wait to hear I was right.
What is your story? :)