My mother had a severe cerebral hemorrhage a couple of months back. Came like a shock for everyone, as she has been in a very good shape for a mid seventy year old.
She was brought straight to the hospital; but completely paralyzed in her left side of the body. Brain ok. They had to medicate her with anti-epileptic drugs, also several x-rays.
In my mind I scrolled everything I knew she was taking, could there be something she took to much of, too little of. Was thinking of too much calcium (against my advice, but she is as stubborn as I am) -hardening of arteries, inflammation, could be the Lupus she once had, flaring up.
I was pretty sure it wasn't too much iodine: she took very small (too small IMO) dosages all these years.
Took a lot of vit C, B, magnesium, herbs, kidney, liver cleanses, etc etc.
Then I came to think of some here mentioned once or twice; that too much omega 3 / fish oils may contribute /cause brain hemorrhage. Then it struck me that she had taken far too much (IMO) of Udos Choice oil; far over the gram daily for many years. Linseed oil, at best a paint-oil, oxidizes in a minute when out of the bottle.
Brought her some vit K and E in addition to feed her with alot of
Iodine (approx 300 mg, more than she took the last year), lithium (for the nerves to hopefully regenerate) I put it all in a newly made smoothie just to make myself innocent:) -the hospital was already suspicious of her taking different supplements.
The prognosis was months at the hospital.
Took only 10 days before they threw her out of the place! Could walk within just 4-5 days. She is now recovering the last bit at home with the support of us siblings + good neighbors. A weak left arm, some unsteady walking, but very OK compared to the prognosis.
We will never now what worked, or not. At best, a qualified guess. Had a serious talk with her about the Udos choice, she agreed to quit it for a while. If she has another hemorrhage it may be the end to her, which doesn't scare here at all; but being disabled does. Anyway, tough months if anyone wonder why I have been absent. Take care of your love ones, and yourself!