parasites know how to control the situation.
With careful supplementation you can put down a foundation for victory:
The goal of any plan is to:
1) Make you stronger, Them weaker
2) Gain control without having them scatter, as much as possible.
3) Identify them if possible, you may need this information later, if you need drugs.
4) Have stock of items you may need
5) Equip yourself for battle, knowledge is power
parasites have the uncanny ability to destroy your body chemistry. They are made of foreign cellulose, that your body has no enzyme to digest. When your enzyme systems go crazy, your body has no idea how to fight it. The enzymes and chemicals of the worm causes a massive shift towards interleukin 2, telling your body it has cancer, pump out and drain your immune systems attacking your own body, while it constantly dumps uric acid and ammonia into your body.
your body becomes acid, enzyme systems collapse, and you loose any ability to fight back.
The essential steps to prevent malabsorbtion are:
1) get ph test strips. Potential for hydrogen measures the acid vs base status of your body. As peripheral acid increases, cells, which rely on enzymes to communicate, break down. Cells rapidly start grunting in stead of communicating.
ROS signaling is also seen in cancer patients. A cell has the ability to send a acid burst, a alkaline burst, signal a message to die, and message 4, do nothing. ROS signaling is not living.
1A) the body uses 3 minerals to stay alkaline, magnesium, potassium, calcium. Magnesium Citrate 133mg/D helps. Potassium Citrate 99mg/D helps.
parasites can use CA2+ ions, so calcium from non-casin protein milk (goat, camel, certain cows) is a source of calcium. Greek yogart. Calcium oxide, coral calcium, etc are all non ionic forms of calcium.
PH on your tongue in the range of 4 is bad. The doctor I went to said I should be horizontal, not vertical.
PH of 5 means 1% of your enzymes are functioning.
PH of 6 means 10% of your enzymes are functioning.
PH of 7 means 100% of your enzymes are functioning.
PH of 8 means 100% of your enzymes are functioning.
1B) to maintain the enzyme system the body needs zinc. I recommend zinc sulfate. rising has a zinc 220, which has 50 mg of zinc sulfate. it comes in a pink capsule. A minimum number is 4 capsules a day. I typically took 4 capsules in the morning, 4 capsules at night. When I took 27 capsules (I weigh 118 kgs) the worms exploded. That was 9.32 mg/kg of zinc. I found the use of zinc sulfate in several obscure research papers. It works against several types of parasites.
2) Parasites have the ability to stress your ROS loop.
ROS is redox oxygen system. You breath oxygen, exhale co2, consume water. This is the basic ionic system upon which all cells in your body breath. CYP450 regulates this loop, uses, selenium, sulfur to perform these tasks. Every cell has in the mitochondria the ability to do ionic breathing. parasites know if they deplete sulfur and selenium, which is poorly recycled in the body, you will become acid.
MSM powder teaspoon in a glass of water, with 1/4 teaspoon of bobs redmill baking soda, makes your body alkaline, and MSM is stored in the brain, protecting it from acid. I drank 4 glasses a day.
the body needs selenium, way more than 150 mg. it was not until late I discovered the correct number is more like 600 ucg/D. Chelate picolinate is the correct form.
A hair analysis will show you the basics of what you are up against. I took dozens of bottles of zinc over three years, my zinc level was below measurable limits. Only recently has my number come up from 0. A hair analysis will show you how big a problem you face, depending on the
parasite it could be huge.
Your body only has the ability to exchange so many ionic chemistries per day. the body decides how many nutrients, and how many ionic minerals to transport, in the gi track. it has the ability to transport 700 mg of key molecules, either per day.
This becomes a problem with magnesium, and i do not remember, but i think potassium. The ammount you are allowed to take of key elements is limited, or your chemistry will not balance.
Magnesium Citrate 133mg/D
Potassium Citrate 99mg/D
3) Amino Acids
Spirulina and chorella have the ability to supply amino acids, the building blocks of life. Spirulina has the ability to supply, more than it chelates, chorella has the ability to chelate more than it supplies. Chelating is really a bad idea when you are critically low in minerals and metals. Charcoal is safer way to break the bile dump of toxins, and the intestine reabsorbing the toxins.
I prefer 2:1 spirulina to chorella. Exceeding 4-6 grams of spirulina per day tends to feed the worms. below 3 grams per day tends to not maintain pace with the amount of toxins the body has to deal with per day. I used my double vision as a measuring stick to figure out the optimum amount of algae.
Source naturals , the source of life #3058 is the best spirulina based vitamin on the planet.
Some ALA is useful. All other amino acids should be avoided. L Carnitine is useful if you are detoxifying the mitochondria. all other amino acids are a problem, even ornithing and arginine.
I tried them all, they unbalance the body.
4) sulfur
Garlic supplies 153 kinds of sulfur. Sulfur is essential to keep your body functioning. I worked on sulfur for over a month. I finally started a conversation with a PHD at MIT to determine how to solve the sulfur problem.
The body functions and uses 3 things in the vast majority of chemical processes, sulfur, nitrogen, carbon. When the body does not have the proper atom it has adapted to substitute other molecules. for example if you have no sulfur, the body will jam a nitrogen atom in its place. after the body does this for a while the bodies nitrogen processes are all screwed up. After nitrogen becomes in short supply the body will use carbon. When the body resorts to carbon, it will start generating huge errors in dna, leading to cancer.
4a) ample sulfur is essential for life.
4b) ample sulfur keeps nitrogen processes functioning normally
4c) the nitrogen processes are slammed beyond 100% from
parasite nitrogen molecules, uric acid goes way up, ammonia increases until you can smell it, the urine goes clear as
parasite shifts the uric acid loop, and nitrogen waste accumulates in your body. The solution to this is a little complex, and for a later post.
needless to say sulfur is essential to keep the body functioning properly, even if it functions stressed under the load of parasites.
Garlic has 153 forms of sulfur compounds. sulfur compounds from garlic have the ability to regulate mineral balance systems, regulate the immune systems, regulate repair enzyme, regulate the entire enzyme system.
Garlic if taken in to high an ammount can disturb the bacterial balance in the GI trac. The chemicals that do the most good from garlic are released by damaging the clove. Turns out the garlic clove when injured, releases the healthy molecules that humans can use. The ideal time to process sulfur is noon. The ideal way to take garlic is raw. The ideal amount is one large clove. The way to process garlic needs to happen in 10 minutes, between the chewing of raw garlic, and absorption into the blood stream. Chewing a small piece of the clove (sliced), placing the garlic under the tongue, allows the 153 compounds to enter the blood stream directly, without waiting beyond 10 minutes (the life time of several key garlic molecules) and allows garlic to provide maximum benefit to the body, without loosing potency.
Zinc Sulfate, MSM, Berberine Sulfate, Garlic, Magnesium Sulfate are all essential forms of sulfur.
Maintaing sulfur supply and dominance makes the nitrogen load of parasites bearable.
Dr Clarke has a magnesium sulfate capsule of 1030mg. She was years ahead of her time. I think this is the ideal amount of magnesium sulfate per day. More and the stool gets to loose.
Less and the liver does not flush the toxins daily. Bile salts can be lost if you take to much magnesium sulfate. After 6 weeks of magnesium sulfate, my stool went from black, to green(s) to brown, as the toxins were flushed from my liver.
Some milk thistle, CQ10, are helpful to keep the liver clean.
KGP flush, a few drops in a glass of water, weekly keeps the kidneys clear.