How can the colon heal as long as there are worms going in and out of it? He needs to kill most intestinal worms before the colon can heal. It makes no sense to me that Bubby could have malabsorption so badly that he has lost lots of weight, yet he was able to absorb enough meds to have a herx. Many seriously ill patients with mega worms have had to do rectal administration of the meds.
Though I have a questionable strongyloide diagnosis and have not been referred to a doctor who will treat me, I'm not overly concerned by that. My doctors have seen the diagnosis and that is enough for them to believe me (at least a little). We, here on Curezone, can do many things doctors cannot do. For instance, if you were in a coma in a hospital because of strongyloides, the doctors could not administer ivermectin rectally without special approval from the CDC. Many have died waiting. We can do anything we want to do!
Bubby, there are other meds which might not cause you so much trouble. Alinia (nitazoxanide) works well for many
parasites and may be easier on you. It would cost $10,000+ for a prescription, but is available as a generic overseas (online). I'm going to buy some more on the 1st myself.
While my colon was injured and not working because of hyper-infection and dissemination, I had maldigestion and malabsorption which is what caused my heavy weight loss. I was starved all the time and ate like a horse. Now that it's healed I've gained weight and may have trouble stopping.
All my life I have been slender and able to eat anything and everything I wanted. Also, I developed osteoporosis at an early age. I don't believe I was absorbing many nutrients or calcium. I may have had worms most of my life.
Strongyloides are endemic in the southeastern U.S. and I was raised there on a farm. They are a STD (Soil Transmitted Disease). Shoes were never worn during the summer. Most cases of strongyloides are from this area or overseas. Bubby, what part of the country are you in?
WWII veterans caught them in the South Pacific, they were latent until old age when the immune system was to weak to stop them. The VA probably has lots of experience with them--more than other U.S. medical facilities.
Bubby, if you are certain you have worms, you must take these meds or, in my opinion, they will kill you. Just like Sharkman, I have not been injured by the meds and I've been taking one or another for 2 years. I don't believe herbs ever kill worms.