My new and shortened anti-candida protocol is the protocol I've been successfully using or recommending for the last 2 years or so. The full protocol is shown and is fully downloadable from this link.
I would further advise that people who are suffering from particularly serious systemic candida issues should also take the following supplements:
* Gymnema sylvestre tea( 4 times a day). This herb acts to prevent the yeast candida form from morphing into the more virulent fungal or hyphal form. It also prevents the fungal form from reproducing. Gymnema sylestre also gets rid of excess sugars(which feeds the candida) from the blood. If you can eradicate the fungal form using this nutrient, then all you have to worry about is getting rid of the local yeast form in the intestines or uterus or skin which is much easier to cure. Recent research on Gymnema sylvestre's action on candida.
* 10-Undecanoic Acid. This is another option that does the same as the Gymnema sylvestre herb -- it prevents the fungal form of candida becoming active in the body. A good form to supplement is SF-772 from Thorne Research which has a good rep against candida.
* High quality colostrum powder taken 3 times a day outside mealtimes. This has huge and untold benefits for both your immune system and your body's detox pathways. If your intestines are damaged or your have allergies this will help to heal and help to cure it. A damaged or over-permeable gut lining will allow partially digested proteins into the blood which then become foreign protein body's in the blood --which is the enemy of your immune system. Colostrum helps to reduce intestinal permeability, heals a damaged gut and thus helps to reduce foreign proteins and candida poisons getting into the blood so easily. That's why colostrum is essential to help reduce histamines, heal the intestines and thus helps to cure allergies. The colostrum powder I recommend is made by Sovereign Labs. They only make colostrum products which are high quality -- using only minimal heat and no foreign chemicals to produce their product(I have no financial interest in this company). Colostrum contains anti-bodies, lactoferrin, lactulose and is a complete food for the human body because it is The First Food of Life. More research on colostrum here and here.
You should also take the Candida Diet shown here.
If you also have persistent GERD/Low Stomach Acid issues then you should read this document to find out the real truth on how to cure these serious conditions.
More facts on candida here.
If you take turpentine with sugar then most of it will be absorbed into the blood -- so not much turpentine left to cure the candida throughout your intestines -- which is 30 ft long and has the absorbtive surface area of a tennis court.
So I paired the turpentine with castor oil and it has worked pretty well. This combination is particularly useful to help kill candida throughout the whole length of the intestines and it has worked well because you have a laxative(CO) paired with turpentine that kills candida as well as killing a huge broad spectrum of other pathogens and parasites. Put simply the laxative CO helps to quickly spread the turps evenly throughout the whole intestines for a more deadlier and widespread effect. At the same time, the CO laxative effect directly and quickly expels candida, candida poisons, heavy metals, parasites, biofilms etc from the intestines beacuse of its natural laxative effect.
I've also been involved with an autism parents group who are trying to cure their kids autism which is generally caused by parasite poisons and candida poisons acting directly on a child's developing brain. Get rid of the candida and parasites and get rid of the poisons and the child returns to normal behaviour. I was contacted because alot of people in the group, who were using Kerri Rivera's CD protocol protocol for autism, had hit a brick wall with little progress. Then I advised using the turps + CO for the autistic kids. That was two years ago and now everyone in the group(over 50 parents with autistic kids aged from 2 y o upwards) swears by this turpentine/CO protocol as being a huge aid and benefit against candida, parasites and autism.
Turpentine is not soluble in water but mixes with castor oil without any problems.
I have wrtten alot of info relating to gut problems on curezone -- see here.
Yes, you guessed right, GERD and Low Stomach Acid problems can certainly be related or connected to hypothyroid and low thyroid conditions. That's why, in my own full protocol for this gastric acid problem -- explained here -- I include supplementing iodine to help cure it. Remember that 95% of all Americans are deficient in body iodine. Iodine is needed by both the thyroid and by the stomach to produce sufficient levels of gastric acid. The other minerals and vitamins listed are also essential.
Everyone, including doctors thinks that only the thyroid needs iodine. From the research that I've read, your body needs to maintain a daily store of 1500 mgs of iodine a day to be healthy. Your thyroid only needs to store 1.5 mgs iodine per day. That's right, iodine is needed for many other critical jobs in the body besides just helping the thyroid. Every single cell in the body needs iodine.
Hashimoto's may seem tough to cure but this condition is usually caused by both a lack of iodine in the diet as well as a lack of certain essential and critical minerals described here, here and here. There may also be excess heavy metals or halides(excessive bromine, fluorine in the body) issues contributing to your thyroid problems as well. I would investigate this website if you want some honest thyroid answers. A good research article on Hashimotos here. More iodine research from Optimox research here.
A small correction to my last post with apologies.
The thyroid needs to maintain a store of 50 mgs of iodine per day(not 1.5 mgs) and the rest of the human body needs to store a minimum of 1,500 mgs iodine per day for optimum health. See this research,
It's really up to you if you take the iodine but if you want proof from the most current research from a man who knows iodine and the thyroid inside out then here is Dr Brownstein's explanation and cure for Hashimoto's which he treats successfully all the time. See page 8 of this link which answers the question "I have Hashimoto's. Can I take iodine?"
The full Iodine Protocol that Dr Brownstein recommends is shown here.