I'm a 19 years old male that has had this problem for almost 2 years now, I still remember the good times where I enjoyed my teenager life and went partying, to concerts and generally enjoyed life, anyways. I have been browsing curezone for a few years, since my problem started. I will try to keep it simple, I believe that I have a bad odor coming from my armpits and/or sometimes from my ass, most of the time I think it comes from my arm pits. One thing before is that I wanna say that before this problem began I had a friend that smelled terrible and I was friends with him because he barely had any friends, I believe that his odor might have traumatized me unconsciously and triggered only after, As everyone here I have seeked reassurance from family that have said multiple times that I don't smell like anything, I myself cannot smell a single thing either. This thinking prompts me to sweat a lot and makes the problem even harder (kinda like vicious circle) a few years ago I was enjoying life and I didn't even sweat a little, when I'm home I don't sweat a single drop but when I'm in college or at work I start sweating quite a bit, at work it's the worst I start feeling really hot then I start sweating like crazy, it'll stop but then it'll begin again, my coworkers are quite nice and they don't really say anything, they're friendly but of course your usual nose rubbing, coughing around me happens. I am stuck between knowing if its physical or physiologically, I have never heard any comments from other people that I smell bad or any indirect remarks (it stinks here, it smells bad here, what is that odor, etc.). I pretty much have abandoned life, before I used to have quite a lot of friends, I went out clubbing and partying with friends, now I barely go out the weekends and college is really stressful, sometimes when I'm at college battling through this problem I say to myself what I did to deserve this, I try to focus on my classes and ignore what people do around me, one thing I notice a lot in college classes is what I call the "armpit pinching" and the "smelling around self" people that sit next to me will look around as if they are smelling their pits or will pinch their pits (grabbing their shirt) with their fingers as if they are trying to find a smell, this is the only thing that people do around me, a bit of nose rubbing and coughing but not much. I have seen 3 psychologists that have said the same thing, I dont smell like anything, etc. One of them actually said something that made sense, we say that people pinch their noses more than when we didnt have this problem, but it might actually be because it might be because before we didnt care about what people did around us, now with this problem we focus on people reactions. Anyways, I'm about a year away from finishing college (i dont know how I have managed to go pass college this last year) but sometimes I just think about quitting college, going back home and waiting for it to go away..... but I know it's never gonna happen, I still have my hopes up, when I'm feeling bad I'll call my best friend and he'll cheer me up, he is the only friend that knows about this problem, the few times I go out with friends I make it look like everything is ok, I have never asked any friends if I smell bad ironically cus I'm ashamed of asking it. My worst fear is being in crowds and in lines, anywhere where I have people bunched around me, the problem has developped alot into anxiety. To finish, I think that the only way for me to get cured is to meet someone who is also suffering about this problem and to chat about it, I haven't found anyone, I have attended many local phobia meetings and I'm the only one with the problem (at the meets I just say that I have agarophobia once again for shame of saying this problem to other people.) Anyways, if someone is from around the Montreal area hopefully or even here in Quebec but people in (Toronto, Massachuets, Vermont?) wouldn't mind, I probably wouldn't meet a stranger under normal circumstances but I believe after being with this problem for 2 years that this is the only solution. If you guys have any other questions I will be glad to answer, sorry if the text is messy, if I went into every detail the text would be really long and boring, I tried to resume the main things.