It wasn't a matter of getting the doctor to believe me... But more so getting a doctor that was allowed to treat me... I was handed off quite a few times, the big labs couldn't identify anything... And in the end it was the small city hospital lab that made the id.
Long story short -
It started with my 8 year old... Pooping green for a month, then she started throwing up so I took her to the ER. They did xrays and blood work... Her EOS level was elevated, so they sent us home with a cup for a stool sample and a paper to drop it off at the lab with the following Monday (this was a Saturday night) we went home and before bed she had to poop, so I figured we'd get the sample done and id stick it in the fridge til Monday. I held the cup for her, she pooped in it... There was no preservative, so it was solid. And when I went to put the cap on the jar, on her little green piece of poop, these 3 perfectly contrasting tiny white things stood up, like a spring they coiled down and stood up again. So I ran it downstairs to show her dad and we went right back to the ER with the sample. The ER doc said he was a worm expert in the army back in the day and said they looked like pinworms, RX'd some Albenza and after some begging, gave the whole family an RX. It had little effect on pinworms, but a week or 2 in, I had all kinds of stuff coming out like the 11th commandment. Pyrantel and a steam mop solved the pinworm problem, but I got worse. Weird thing was, I had no previous symptoms til that precautionary dose of meds.
On sample # 12 or 13, they ID'd a 33mm male whip worm, abdominal ultrasound showed there was a bunch stuck at the very end of my small intestine. I swore I could feel them, but on ultrasound, they don't really move, so I have no clue what I was feeling.. I'll plead insanity. I also has some stages in my left lung, but that was considered normal, not what would be scattering.
3 weeks of icu's albendazole/ivermectin protocol+ every supplement she suggested knocked it out. They still had me go for weekly checks to make sure there was no blockages. Blood work done... I don't remember if it was igg or what, showed I was exposed to strongyloid, my level suggested the exposure wasn't recent. Biopsies couldn't detect any evidence and I've never had symptoms, so that's a mystery.
Everything seems to be working right and everything looked good at my 6 month follow up. I'll still make it a point to deworm twice a year. I don't think about it anymore, but its also something you never forget