Thanks, Hanna! That's very nice of you to say. Yes, my ND is a little on the conservative side when it comes to treatments, diets, etc. She's actually a physical therapist with degrees in nutrition, but she incorporates a lot of alternative techniques. The flush can be scary for some people and she is one of them. She was supportive of the flush, but my sister thought it was odd and my best friend was supportive at first, but then kept telling me that I had done enough. It was confusing to me that I hadn't heard of many people who had finished, but now I believe that it's because it takes a fairly large number of flushes for most people. Also, I'm happy to report that my panic attacks have gone away now that I've finished. The two situations that I had panic attacks were in certain public speaking situations and flying. I was on a plane this past weekend and, although I didn't love it, my heart did not beat in a crazy way like it would have even a year ago.