Originally when I started, that must be about 7-8 years ago when we started experimenting and I had an open minded MD,
I went up to 130mg, high for that time. After 7 months my MD said you can taper down now. Now I am guessing but the daily amount was still 50mg a day. For a while I had not read this forum daily anymore, and then I noticed that the iodine had been lowered to less than 25mg a day. Since then I lowered it. Some days I did some more and other days less. Now I have settled in to 2 drops Lugol's 5% and 1 drop SSKI. Sometimes when my gallbladder acts up I take some extra SSKI.
I do other supplements too, some weekly or monthly, but magnesium every day since I can't be without. Other supplements I take are based on my weak spots, like for degenerated disks, gallbladder. I have a personal trainer 2x a week too since 10 years, since I could not play tennis anymore because of my back.
I am not much a believer to go overboard with any supplement since I am afraid it might throw off your body's regular workings
Before I started iodine I had done the basis cleanses liver flush, colon and kidney cleanses. Ate organic and nuts (brazil and almonds). And had never a strong reaction to the iodine like people often have now. Everybody should try to find their own level what works for them.
I like this thread, before iodine, people did cleansing and improved diet and some did supplements. That is how Wombat and Trapper started too, you can check their history.