Biased or not (NOT!, but that is probably biased as well:)
What happened after potassium was the increase in energy; caused me to work to much, lol!!
But also, finally after all these years; no insomnia anymore. My theory is that it "balanced", a word you dont like much; the magnesium vs calcium, sodium vs potassium. The 4 largest electrolyte minerals in a human body.
Typically, the sound sensitivity at night went away,which is a magnesium deficiency symptom. Even if I took loads of it, helped in so many ways; but this problem persisted.
*So, looking back; what I would do differently if I was to start
Iodine over again; first adress the big four; sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Number five is sulfur.
Then I would add the iodine, boron, lithium, selenium, zinc, manganese, molybdenum etc. The key trace minerals that gives pathways to so much.
Vit C and B; essential as without them there are little utilization, excretion abilities.
One of my favorite books on the subject;
"Our first principle, indeed the founding principle of cellular awakening, is that any kind of stress is registered on the water component of the body as dehydration. Furthermore, as soon as the body is dehydrated, it is expressed as stress. [...] When you consider that fully functioning brain is 80 per cent water, it is easy to see that the brain is one of the first places to register dehydration. It has been found that in some cases of very deep
Depression the brain can be dehydrated to as much as 40 per cent of its normal capacity." (p. 22-23) {my emphasis)
The four main electrolyte minerals of the body, Barbara Wren explains, are sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. They are held within the water in the body and cause the water to have an electrical charge. The movement of these electrolytes into and out of the cells through the cell membrane is what keeps the cells in balance and enables the correct charge inside and outside the cells at different times of the day. It also allows the cell to 'collect' photons, she explains. So correct charge and polarity of the cells is what a healthy, energetic and intuitive person must have. Thus, how do you think lack of water in the body would affect this electrical charge?
Barbara Wren calls this the body's response to lack of water as the 'dehydration alert'. This happens when the body registers a state of dehydration and starts to produce cholesterol to make cell walls less permeable and so to prevent against further water loss. Cut a long story short, this causes excess sodium to collect inside the cells and to bring the other electrolytes out of balance. Immediately, Wren explains, we lose the connection to the universal energy and wisdom, as photons cannot be held and utilised by the cell anymore. She also maintains that negative motions can have a strong impact in this process:
"Traditional Chinese doctors know that all thoughts are vibrations and that if the resonance of any kind of stress, whether it is a job you do not like or an unresolved emotion, is held within the body for two years, then there is always a manifestation within the water component as dehydration. This means that if there is anything in your life that you are unhappy about, it will, if left unresolved for two years, create a contraction of your ability to be in tune with the universe." (p. 23)
And, all starts with the digestion;
"For example: "Colon is the organ that registers whether the body is hydrated or not, and it is within this organ that we can mechanically turn off the dehydration alert in the body. It is not possible to have an allergy, for example, unless you produce histamines. The cells that produce histamines are the mast cells, a majority of which are found in the colon. It is not possible for the mast cells in your colon to produce histamines unless you are dehydrated. So our point of focus is going to be our diet and lifestyle and how those are registered in our colon." - Barbara Wren (p. 37) "So, to recap, we are saying that the water component of our body holds the messages of who we are but also holds our charge, and the polarity created by this charge is basically how we manifest who we are. If we work to change our polarity we must not be surprised to find that we also invite in a whole different kind of life. We create a new reality. When the charge of the cell membrane is correct, with the positive outside and the negative inside, we can attract the electrons which in turn attract the photons in which is held the wisdom of the universe."