Rainy: Ed a wolf does not need to have false teachings to be a wolf. He is going to show truth and correctness of attitudes and everything else he can to promote himself. Appearing to have correct doctrines, a great attitude and to be very spiritual does not mean he cannot be a wolf. A wolf will use all these things sometimes to deceive many. The control he has over people is what is making him a cult. This is not of God. He is not going to make a video of all his faults.
Ed: still sticking to the "huge Spirit filled church had some complaints against it by an extremely tiny portion of the students and others who attend there... and i didn't want to consider all of the positive testimonies since i have been spiritually abused myself and always believe every story of spiritual abuse i hear... so i just assume that Mike Bickle is controlling and that ihop is a cult" story. I get it.
Rainy: This very well could be part of the strong delusion! Ed, I feel strongly that you need to seek God for more discernment as we all do. Ed, people are not going to take your word for things just because you prayed and fasted for dicernment. We all have our own dicernment that we have prayed and fasted for. We are going to look to the Holy Spirit for truth not you just because you prayed and fasted. Many have prayed and fasted and have come out of it still messed up. I don't know why that is, but it happens. Even people in false religions pray and fast.
Ed: There is always room for even more discernment unless we have reached the Lord Jesus level which i believe nobody has. So yes Lord, please take that awesome discernment you poured into my spirit to the next level and thank you :). I am not expecting people to "just take my word for things", but hoping that my words will at least be considered with an open heart and mind and that they might help others to see that some of the foolish things they are saying and concluding, led by the strongly deluded fanatical cessationist vektek are ridiculous.
People should look to the Holy Spirit, that's great, but unfortunately, most are not hearing so well since most are so deeply in their flesh.
When you get a massive breakthrough in discernment, you will know it, just like when you get baptized in the Holy Spirit, you know it or when you start spontaneously speaking in tongues you know it. Please tell me your amazing testimony of the day the Lord sent you a massive breakthrough in discernment.
People in false religions are not fasting and praying in passionate love unto my Lord Jesus, they are doing so unto whatever false god they are praying to. Thus, they are likely only to be reinforcing their false beliefs. Best wishes.