I really don't get why they give you so much shit over there... some people's candida may be overgrown beyond correcting with
Iodine and boosting their immune system alone, but the fact of the matter is, someone can take all the antifungals, probiotics and do as many enemas as they want... until they get the rest of their body systems and functions in check, its gonna just keep coming back. Try the iodine, try the D3... give it some time... add in probiotics, if it doesn't work, then explore the other things... whatever that kills off, the immune system should kick in and keep it from coming back if you're supporting it.
But some people flat out refuse to even try. No 2 people are the same... i get it, but after a certain amount of trial and error and failure with the same pharmaceutical stuff, it's time to start looking deeper at WHY your body is allowing it to over grow. There really is only 1 answer. The immune system is compromised a d your diet is shit. Either there is some unknown viral infection like aids, hpv, hepatitis or the like.... bacterial infection like lyme, cancer... or there isn't enough in the body to support the immune system.
Sometimes the most complex things have the most simple answers... i don't think people believe their answer could be so simple, so they're in a bit of denial.
That whole time i felt like i was being stabbed in the chest when I'd inhale... i never once considered the answer to that would be a freakin vitamin. I saw a bottle of D3 in the store and immediately thought of your posts and grabbed it... was not expecting anything miraculous to happen... 3 days later my pain is gone. Coincidence? I don't think so.
People just need to think outside pharmaceuticals and prescriptions and doctors as being the only fix. The only thing doctors are good for are looking inside of you when you need to see whats going on, emergencies where you're bleeding to death, having a heart attack and breast implants.
All those years we were brought up to depend on doctors and prescriptions... no one can believe that our bodies are amazing things that will heal themselves if they have what they need.