if you look at any special healing diet like SCdiet, GAPS diet, body ecology diet ect ect
THEY ALL focus on restoring the beneficial bacteria in the stomach. Our typical immune system is our thymus/bone marrow organ but our other immune system in our gut bacteria which is in the center of the body and communicates with the brain and other organs to keep the body in order and functioning. Prescription drugs, meds, bad diet,
Antibiotics kill off the gut flora composed of beneficial viruses, bacteria, worms, protozoa which "guard" the gut wall and body. once the gut wall falls due to mistreatment, it gets invaded by pathogens and we get sick. so we have reseed the gut by eating LIVE kefir grains, LIVE kefir drink, LIVE yogurt without eating fiber foods. If your gut is mostly pathogens then the fiber will be feeding the pathogens. so you have to keep seeding good bacteria until the good bacteria out number the pathogenic microbes then you introduce fiber slowly to grow the good bacteria then you will have your immune system back. and even if you had multiple infections like CMV,herpes, Barr virus, Mono, lyme, or any other infection u probably wouldnt have symptoms because the gut flora would keep them in check you see. ALot of people get tested from lyme and are positive but have no symptoms... its because their immune system is keeping them in check.