I am gradually getting better following the TEI approach. I would suggest always doing it through a practitioner instead of simply following the printout. I used the ARL approach and only became worse. I will post my progress in the future once I get better.
I must say I laughed out loud when I read your post. You expect a turnaround in a WEEK? With adrenal insufficiency??? Btw, it's not true that the ARL method of nutritional balancing only works with adrenal fatigue. It is a whole body turnaround that takes time and patience, but takes care of problems at the root.
I myself was in the last stage of adrenal insufficiency, I'm pretty sure I was only a couple years away from cancer. I've been two years on the program, and while I'm not quite 'done' yet, I've had a significant improvement. I started with serious issues to begin with and I don't expect to be healed overnight. Took me a while to get where I was, will take a while to get me out if it as well.
Nothing works for everybody and perhaps it's not for you - ARL's approach is more difficult and more work, it takes some serious dedication between the diet, CE's, sauna and what not. But - if you commit to it, it WORKS! May not work as fast as you want it to - few people experience immediate results from it. It all depends what you start with.
Also, from my own experience, anything that seemed to help me short term in the past, hurt me in the long run.
If TEI's approach was so wonderful and acted lightning fast, why do you still have problems with adrenal insufficiency? Probably because it served as more of a crutch. Nothing wrong with using a crutch here and there, and if that's what you're looking for, TEI will do just fine. But if it's a cure you're after, I'd put my money on ARL.