Dear #185551,
I have went through all the boils, skin rashes and anomalies inside and out of the mouth, including eruptions on skin surfaces from chest upwards into hairline. I could go on, but instead prefer to address the candida infestation question here:
Just order artemisia annua in pill form, I make them myself. Take 1 gram in the morning and 1 gram in the afternoon – always with food. Take the pills for 7 days, and then stop 3 or 4days – to allow your immune system to clear out the candida and artemisia. Then repeat 7 days with artemisia annua, 3 to 4 without! You can do this for 6 months if needed.
The results should be rather quick: the boils will come to the surface and must be rinsed with – you guessed it herbal wash of artemisia and magnesium chloride.
All this is discussed in about 16 letters [how to control candida at curezone: beesting,candida]. Also, consider taking blood root [great defense in the digestive/urinary tract] in pill form, as discussed in same letters.
In conclusion, learn how to do the self testing for candida [piss-n-cup of
Sugar water and salvia-n-cup of
Sugar water]; also discussed in candida letters posted at curezone.
Do not have much use for prescribed medicines, protocols or any other doctor self-credits and/or their posted success stories online.
Cleaning the colon is easy with 25ml of MgCl [3 percent solution]: discussed likewise in same letters posted at curezone.
Finally, you will not be able to kill all the candida infestations within body. Why? For candida is a body decomposer [from the grave-box]; also it is living everywhere possible [all organs, even prostate, brain and etc.]. The goal here is to control candida. yes, Life with candidia is possible, if kept under useful control – and artemisia is a great game changer! Cheap and powerful herbal medicine!
I also suspect, the mrsa issue can be put under control, soon after the candida is put into some death throws of its own: with artemisia annua [it kills malaria in 8 days]. This is an easy search online, too, and you get to witness the failure of manufactured medicines against malaria – when herbal powder like artemisia annua is put to the test!
p.s.1, I am taking 1.5 grams of below mixture of dry herb [plant-part cuttings], once in the morning and then in the afternoon. I am preparing to take a third dose several hours before going to sleep. Please note: that I am taking 2-3 doses per day for a reason. For I am in a test procedure based on my self-testing results listed below.
In other words, I am adjusting the herbs and their dosages, based on test-results gleaned from piss-n-cup and salvia-n-cup [both in a
Sugar water mixture] weekly testing. Currently, my piss-n-cup test failures have changed from 1.5 days to 4.5 days. When I get to 10-day failures – I will lock into that herbal combination as my basic formula for the long-run! Then I will back off, reduce the doses over time, until 1.5 days piss-n-cup failures begin to reappear! Eventually, I will have proven, to myself [not doctors], the safeness of taking below herbal combination over long-run!
My current three-herb combination:
32 grams [1 oz] of Artemisia annua [dry herbs]
32 grams [1 oz] of Artemisia abrolanum l. [dry herbs]
32 grams [1 oz] Polygonum accuminatum
What I like about the piss-n-cup testing method is that I can establish a base -- a good state of well being for entire body, even though I am infected with candida [several organs within]. And maybe over time, all those "other" places in the body still infected will shrink down to zero! I am not sure it really matters, for a candida infection is mainly due to sexually interaction between partners!
Finally, please take serious the candida letters posted [beesting, candida] and read them newest to oldest, until you have enough useful information to become your own piss-n-cup expert!
Then after measuring your degree of candida disease within you, try any doctor protocol and or doctor “hoops and rings” dancing you think useful! I know doing the tango is most beautiful to watch, but is not learning a simple herbal medicinal “two step” dance more effective to your body?