Wow! Where do I begin? I don't have all the answers you may need, so hopefully others can chime in. But I can help where I can.
1) Answer to your question:
Lugols liquid & Iodoral capsules are identical formulations containing both
Iodine and
Iodide in the correct ratio for all the organs of our body. Every cell in our body requires iodine. Unfortunately our
Iodine receptors have been invaded by the toxins of fluoride, bromide & chlorine.
So when you start iodine, you will experience DETOX symptoms, not die off. Detox symptoms are typically pimples, bloat, headache. All detox is temporary. As your body absorbs
Iodine and becomes iodine sufficient, your immune system will thank you. Plan on 6 months to become sufficient.
2) Your Body Temp:
Your body temp is CRITICAL to your health. Candida, cancers, and multiple health problems THRIVE in low body temp. To see how vital this is, read this amazing testimonial:
I know it is a long read, but well worth every minute.
Of course you doctor could not find anything wrong with your thyroid. Most doctors could not find a thyroid problem if it bit them in the nose! They are too wrapped up in the USELESS TSH test.
TSH Is Useless - Brownstein
TSH-Why its useless - STTM
The good news: Of all the organs in your body, the thyroid is the most critical and will give you hypothyroid symptoms when you are iodine deficient. For most of us iodine will restore normal body temp. This alone will kill off most of your candida and help restore health. If your body temp is still too low after 6 months on iodine then you may need natural dessicated thyroid meds. See this BIBLE for help with your thyroid:
The thyroid sets your entire body metabolism, including your hormones that control your period. All of your biggest issues will clear up as a result of iodine sufficiency. See our testimonials:
juicing - too much
Sugar for your Candida. Eat the fruit instead.
4) Candida Diet
I like the Dr. Jeff McCombs Diet
5) YEA On the water distiller.
A GREAT investment to eliminate toxins normally found in our water, even in well water.
* Doctor Reports on Distilled Water
6) kidney & liver Flushes
May not be required at all after becoming iodine sufficient and normal body temp. The wife & I have never had a flush. With a good Paleo Diet, these organs are self cleaning.
Last words, I'm sure you are planning for it, but do not take iodine without ALL of the required co-supplements.
These supplements are required to get iodine into your cells and toxins out of your cells. The selenium is required to prevent Hashimotos Thyroiditis (thyroid firestorm).
More on iodine:
More on Candida:
Hope this helps,