Hi Archus.... Ya, I know u, I mean ur id here.... I was hanging around this forum (and others for several years and I beleive u are Well respected here and ppl Listen to ur opinion. ;)
Be Careful about eathing too much spices..... This year I was in India and studied Ayurveda for 3 months (it is long story actually to tell what is what but i try to tell briefly).... there are 3 pracruti (body type we were born with)-vata, pita and kapha.... so talking about spices.... vata and kapha ppl usually prone to cold (and especially for kapha people with Low digestive poswer) Spices ARE recommended to increase that appetite (not too much though)... Pita people usually feel HEAT inside of them.. ok I copy the extraction about PITA people from the forum on fb I manage (though it is Not my page) -
(!) People who always feel Too Much HEAT in them should be CAREFUL about consuming foods in Big amounts which are SPICY, SOUR or SALTY (salt in moderations and preferably sea or rock one) (!)... People with Too Much HEAT in them usually have skin irritations, their eyes sensitive to Light, sleep is ok but they are very sensitive to Light and Noises during sleep, usually stool is like 2-3 times a day, it is Soft and can have greenish, yellowish or redish shade, in some people of PITA (based) type milk causes diarrhea.. PITA type/ base people find it easy to Balance their weight due to high Metablism, they are usually water drinkers and have Good appetite and can't miss/skip meals, the white of eyes are yellowish, tongue is flexible (could be redish), they are usually Intelligent, the women of PITA type usually have too intense menstrual bleeding and it last for 5 -7 days.......... Anyhow, as I already said we were Born with 3 pracruti types - vata, pita and kapha (we will talk about it More)... Pracruti (or body type) is given to us when we were born from our parents and it determine not only the way we look and how our body will have a tendency to function but also our behavious and character traits..... ISome of us have one pracruti (body type) - vata or pita or kapha.. in some 3 are mixed but Majority has 2 pracruti but One is PREDOMINANT always. I am personally Kapha based but I also have somehing from Pita .... Also remember - beside the body type we were born with we also can have AGGRAVATIONS/ Disbalances of one or 2 or even 3 of those doshas (vata, pita, kapha) - it can be due to the aggravations our parents gave us (being not entirely healthy) and our own Eating habbits and life style we lead.. the MAJORITY of us have VATA aggravations and I already talked about it in an article of VITAL importance which is Here ------->
So for PITA born people or people who has AGGRAVATIONS of Pita dosha, spices should be eaten in very morerations as they Increase HEAT in the body and MORE rashes, pimples and so on coming (!).... Even in case of other doshas (vata and kapha) If they start having those rashes, skin probs then Better to REDUCE to the Minimum the folowing...
. Consuming (healthy) SOUR food in Moderations: 1) improves Slaivation, 2) Improves Taste and Appetite, 3) Good for Sense organs, 4) Gastric stimulant.
EXCESS(!) consumption of SOUR food cause: 1) damaged teeth, 2) Causes Edema/ Ulcers/ Inflamations, 3) POLUTES BLOOD..
*If you have Inflamations, Pimples keep appearing, acne, irritations on skin, too much HEAT in you --------------> REDUCE consumption of SOUR foods as well as SALTY ones. SPICES in Moderations too (reduce them as much as you can for this time) in this case (they all Increase the HEAT of your body).
.. Spices (in Moderations) are Healthy but if you have above mentioned issues, for That time LIMIT them (as well as Sour and Salty ones).. :)