Yes, 10 bananas will also bring a lot of sugar...
Low potassium contributes to hypothyroidism, by not only preventing nutrients from getting into the thyroid cells - limiting production of T4 itself, but also by limiting how much T3 can get into the cells, thereby lowering the metabolic rate of the cells and body.
Potassium opens the cellular door for the important minerals to get in so they can perform their duties.
Sodium/potassium/calcium/magnesium minerals are critical - they are the "magic square of life" look at Mendeleev table.
They should be corrected, since this balance controls the transport of water, other minerals and nutrients through the cell walls.
Trapper gave an excellent information in another thread for potassium, Jack you should read it, it is a must !
100% agreement with you Ferventer as for the diets !