I have a few questions about
Iodine therapy/Detox.
Several years ago I suffered an intoxication of some sorts and have suffered for that the last 8 years. Through a hair analysis I get indications that the intoxication is either copper or mercury - but there could also be other substances that has lodged themselves throughout my fat deposits.
So the result of this is I have had a systemic Candida problem for years, possibly leaky gut, and I also have had several other mental and physical symptoms like lack of sex-drive, feeling of alienation/de-personalization, aching joints, murmuring legs in the immediate days following the intoxication etc which I believe is connected to a heavy metal poisoning.
I have tried diet and antifungals over time but have recently come to the realization that the yeast infection will only keep coming back unless I get rid of my intoxication first.
So I came across the subject of
Iodine therapy (while initially reading up on chelation) and I believe this to be one of the more confusing areas I have been researching.
I have tried
Iodine for a week and the first couple of times it was like turning on a light switch - energy levels I didn´t remember that i could have - the murmuring in my legs that i experienced post-intoxication 8 year ago suddenly returned (being a good thing because I can feel it is a pulling of toxins going on) - a clarity of mind like I can´t remember and so on.
The effect is still prevailing, but now in a more normalized fashion. I have a more calm heartbeat and I have read somewhere that too much iodine leads to the opposite (higher pulse), which I interpret to not being in the dangerzone just yet?. I also notice that the Iodine subjectively doesn´t seem to taste as strongly anymore (but everything else tastes as always).
So anyways, here goes:
1. Do I have to have a dysfunctional thyroid if I want to follow a protocol of high doses (e.g. Lugol´s 25mg/day) or can I follow this purely for detox/candida regulation purpouses?
I don´t have a practitioner to guide me on this and I doubt I´ll find anyone from this school of thought in Norway.
2. For how many weeks can I do this sort of megadosing before I start risking problems with my thyroid?
3. Should I do for example a 2 weeks on/2 weeks off regime?
4. Alternatively, should I instead do a lower dose like 2,75mg a day for longer periods of time?
5. The salt loading is something that would be counterproductive in the case of Candida, right? (All diets seem to say to stay away from salty food).
Just so I´ve said it - i don´t mind hard times in order to get well. My life is pretty much de-funct anyway
I realize there is alot to read about this on the internet and that you may be thinking "oh no, here we go again" - but the problem is that I find so much conflicting information that I end up experimenting instead of feeling confident in what I am doing.
Any advice is very welcome and appreciated.
supplemental info; I also take 400mcg selenium, 1000mg c-vit, molybdenum, edta for chelation, clay in the evening, SAM-e/TMG to keep the methylation going, boron, and probiotics