Hi CK,
You asked, "so what can we do?" Perhaps you might be interested in considering an overall health approach to your parasitic problem, based upon this quote from Dr. John Tilden, M.D., "Normal persons are deadly to all germs and parasites peculiar to the human habitat."
I will admit this is not a "quick-fix," i.e. "drug-like" solution, but there is no question in my mind that a healthy immune system [as Dr. Tilden wrote] could and would clear-out all parasites. But it would defintiely require sone time and [probably] a great deal of effort to effect a complete cleansing.
You may find the below two quotes instructive:
"The evidence unequivocally shows that mega-gram doses of vitamin C can prevent and cure a vast list of conditions that plague mankind. It is both inexpensive and completely safe. My conclusion: vitamin C is the 'Primal Panacea.'" -- Dr. Thomas E. Levy, M.D.
“I have never seen a patient that Vitamin C would not benefit.” -- Dr. Frederick Klenner, M.D.
I wish you the best of success, CK, in your search for better health! If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns about ascorbate/vitamin C therapy, post them here or please feel free to contact me privately.
Hi Soly,
So your view is that health, e.g. a parasite free body, is all just a matter of luck? That those who are healthy, simply "won" the health "lottery?" From your view, Soly, I would have to wonder how the human race evolved and survived at all, i.e. I assume your view is that everyone, more-or-less, is infected with parasites, and if not, why not?
Hey, maybe you are correct [although Dr. Tilden, after examining many thousands of patients, certainly didn't think so]. But to me, Soly, parasites or no, is not the important question/issue. It is whether a person feels well, and manifests no negative health symptoms. In my own case [at 64 years old], I never get "sick," including even a headache; never have need to see any doctors [the very occasional dentist excepted]; and never have need of any drugs whatsoever, including any-and-all painkillers, be they over-the-counter or prescription [the very occasional "novocaine" injection excepted]. So if I have [some] parasites in my body [as, I assume, you believe], I guess I really do not care, i.e. as long as I feel well [all of the time], that is good enough for me.
Again, perhaps your view is that I have simply gotten lucky, and won the health lottery. But the fact remains that I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid everyday for the past 20 years, and, while always relatively healthy, have enjoyed [I assume from this] almost "perfect" health. This is the experience and viewpoint I pass on to others, as "grist for their [health] mill."
I wish you the very best success, Soly, in finding a solution [albeit one, I assume, you do not believe exists] in solving your parasite issue(s).
Hi Soly,
I am confused! If "feeling great" is not what you are after, what is it you are after? Why should I [or anyone else, for that matter] care about parasites as long as we "feel great?" If you "feel great" now [as you wrote], what is it you are [actually] looking for, health-wise? Why should I care if I am "infected or not" as long as I feel great? "A solution to the issue?" What "issue?" "Stop denying the problem?" What "problem?"
No sickness; no doctors; no drugs. What else is it, Soly, you think/feel I should be working toward/looking for?
Looking forward to your response,
P.S. Your "fundamental facts" are clearly not shared by everyone in medical science.