I cured my own sytemic candida problems 8 years ago and it has never returned. To try and help sufferers to understand their candida problems -- fully explained -- and help people to self-cure this awful ailment here is a rough copy of my new book on candida with all the explanations and research evidence:
(just copy and paste the link into the i/p box of your browser -- links aren't working in the TinyMCE Editor on curezone)
The book explains everything in plain english, advises a multi-protocol cure and contains references to about 140 articles on research in support of what I say in the book.
You'll never cure serious systemic candida issues using just probiotics or only using ACV or by diet alone or by taking two pills in the morning or two pills in the evening. You will need to use a much more robust multi-protocol approach for a successful cure. The reasons are all in the book.
Up to you.
I would never destroy anyone's hope for curing serious candida issues because it is certainly curable, I'm living proof of that. But what I see with some people who have these problems is a lack of knowledge, determination and will. Candida can be a very complicated disease that few people -- including many doctors -- seem to understand, so a complicated multi-protocol approach is therefore logical, necesssary and essential.
I've successfully helped to treat many people with serious candida issues and have found that people usually fail because of the bain of convenience and continued bad lifestyle choices and habits. The people I love to treat are the "I have serious candida issues!! I sleep all day, I can't think properly and I've lost my job. My marriage is also on the rocks. Please help me!! I will do anything for a cure!! " attitude. These people follow my protocol without question -- they don't complain or cherry-pick a few prtocols, they do the whole protocol properly -- and they usually always cure themselves.