Yes, nobugs it is the study on Okinawa. The article does not post the specifics data as it is from an entertainment magazine but it appears to have some validity. The article posted by Pepe claims the range of soy consumption is 9.3 to 36 grams per day? I have no reason to argue that point nor do I wish to but Pepe did not post the references that the article referred to.
Also from Pepe's post...
"The bottom line is that the safety of soy foods has yet to be proven, and that human beings have become guinea pigs in what Daniel M. Sheehan, formerly senior toxicologist with the FDA's National Center for Toxicological Research, has called a "large, uncontrolled and basically unmonitored human experiment."111"
One, it is my understanding that studies from a scientific point of view never prove a theory. A theory cannot be proven. The theory of the earth revolving around the sun cannot be proven but enough studies have been completed that can validate it so it is now generally accepted as fact. Therefore from a scientific point of view the value of soy has not been proven or unproven. Two, in my opinion to say that we are being used as guinea pigs is a bit of a stretch. That would mean someone is actually conducting an experiment and actually cares about what is happening. My point of view is it is more about industry and profit for a few executives at the expense of us, the many. Pepe’s post is an article that is based on scientific studies but it is also a point of view and had its own biased agenda. All I was attempting to do on my post was to express my opinion and what I was attempting to say is that soy products may be bad but then they may not be. It depends on what studies we look at. The real test is how our bodies respond and after a
Master-Cleanse we should be better equipped to feel that response.
If your interested in the Okinawa article here it is… if you want the study you will have to research sorry.
Fabric of a long life
By Paul Wiseman, USA TODAY
Ushi Okushima, 100, makes her own rice wine, fortified with mugwort.
OGIMI, Japan -
Juan Ponce de Leon and James Hilton had it all wrong.
The fountain of youth isn't in Florida, where 16th-century Spanish
explorer Ponce de Leon went searching for it. And Shangri-la isn't stuck
way up in the Himalayas, where Hilton, author of Lost Horizon, placed
his fictional paradise, whose inhabitants never aged.
The nearest thing to a real-life refuge from the ravages of old age and
death is here on the Japanese island of Okinawa in the East China Sea.
The Japanese live longer than anyone else, and Okinawans live longer
than anyone else in Japan. The Japanese government says 457 Okinawans
are at least 100 years old - 34.7 centenarians for every 100,000
islanders, highest ratio in the world. The USA has about 10 centenarians
for every 100,000 people.
Life expectancy is 81.2 years on Okinawa, longest in the world. New
figures show that the average Okinawan woman lives to 86 and the average
man to 78.
Okinawans don't just live longer, they live better. According to recent
studies, the elderly here appear to have far lower rates of dementia
than their U.S. counterparts and suffer less than half the risk for hip
fractures. Some Okinawan centenarians even claim they are still having
sex. Researchers aren't so sure about that. But Okinawan elders clearly
do things other old folks can't. Martial artist Seikichi Uehara was 96
when he defeated a thirtysomething ex- boxing champion in a nationally
televised match two years ago, later explaining that his opponent "had
not yet matured enough to beat me." Nabi Kinjo became a local legend
when she hunted down a poisonous snake and killed it with a fly swatter.
She was 105.
The rest of the world is at last beginning to learn about this
phenomenon. The Okinawa Program - based on 25 years of research - is
a best seller and has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
The good news: The key to Okinawa's astounding record - good eating
can be copied in the USA. "The foods are also in the States, if people
consume them in the right balance," says Craig Willcox, a medical
anthropologist at the Okinawa Prefectural University College of Nursing.
He is co-author of The Okinawa Program along with his twin brother,
Bradley, of the Harvard Medical School, and longevity expert Makoto
For centuries, Okinawa has been known for people who live long and well.
On the outskirts of Ogimi, carved into a stone marker facing the sea, is
an old Okinawan saying: "At 70 you are still a child, at 80 a young man
or woman. And if at 90 someone from Heaven invites you over, tell him:
'Just go away, and come back when I am 100.' "
Even for Okinawa, this fishing and farming village is unique. Six of
Ogimi's 3,500 residents are 100 years old or older - a rate equal to
171 centenarians per 100,000. And local officials think the figure would
be higher if it included natives who have left the village.
Villager Ushi Okushima, 100, has been known to outdrink the young
journalists who come to interview her about the village's health
secrets. She recently left an inebriated TV film crew sleeping in her
living room. Okushima believes the secret to her longevity is awamori,
the local rice wine she seasons with mugwort and drinks every night at
bedtime. "It helps my sleep," she says. "I sleep well after I drink."
Meeting at an Ogimi restaurant, she hands over bottles of her homemade
brew to visitors. "When I was young - 50 or 60 - I would drink a
full glass," she says.
"Sometimes I'd drink with friends and couldn't find my way home." These
days, she has a teacupful or two. Okushima's awamori may be a powerful
elixir, but scientists say the key to the health of Okinawan elders is
more conventional: They eat remarkably healthy food.
The traditional Okinawan diet is heavy on grains, fish and vegetables,
and light on meat and dairy food.
The Okinawans are especially enthusiastic eaters of tofu. Ogimi
villagers like to mix it with seaweed in a concoction called "mooi
tofu." Eating tofu and other non-gmo soy products works wonders because
non-gmo soybeans are loaded with flavonoids - nutrients known to fight
breast and prostate cancer and believed to combat heart disease.
Okinawans also consume lots of fish. Fish - particularly cold-water
varieties such as no-sodium tuna, mackerel and alaskan salmon -
high concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of
heart disease and breast cancer.
They steer clear of artery-clogging meats and dairy products. Results
are astounding: Compared with the USA, death rates are 82% lower for
coronary heart disease, 86% lower for prostate cancer, 57% lower for
ovarian cancer and 82% lower for breast cancer.
"Simply put," write Program authors, "if Americans lived more like the
Okinawans, we would have to close down 80% of the coronary care units
and one-third of the cancer wards in the United States, and a lot of
nursing homes would be out of business."
Unfortunately, younger Okinawans and those who have left the island
largely have abandoned the good habits.
About 100,000 Okinawans moved to Brazil and quickly adopted the eating
regimen of their new home, one heavy on red meat.
Result: The life expectancy of the Brazilian Okinawans is 17 years
lower than Okinawa's 81 years, Suzuki says.
The younger generation goes to the fast-food outlets that surround U.S.
military bases. The change has had devastating results: Okinawans
younger than 50 have Japan's highest rates of obesity, heart disease and
premature death.
At least some things never change. Ushi Okushima's daughter Kikue is 74
and a social worker.
She says her 100-year-old mother still treats her the way she did nearly
seven decades ago. "She criticizes my hairstyle," she sighs. "She still
talks to me like I'm a small kid."