White Shark
Hi Dakota,
it is great that you figured out how to eliminate everything from your diet that causes your symptoms.
The problem is: your present diet is not something you can live on the rest of your life.
Highly restrictive diets have major drawbacks on the long run, and may lead to serious health problems.
Considering your present diet and the endless list of foods you are intollerant to, it is safe to conclude that you have some major issues in your gut, your liver, your small and large instestines.
To buld up your tolerance to other natural foods like fish, meat, vegetable, fruit, nuts etc ... you need to improve your liver function, small intestine and your bowel flora.
Your colon most likely harbors too much of candida.
Here is a short list of remedies and therapies you should research and consider practicing:
- liver flush
Yoghurt Enema
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation enema
Amalgam replacement
- vitamin B complex
- colonics
parasites cleansing herbs
best of luck to you