I've been researching it recently for myself, s'about time now that I'm almost completely
Amalgam free. Humaworm (
https://humaworm.com/ ) is cited as the abolute best, and it's got the best herbal coverage.
I've been in contact with them through email, they can do extra support for specific cases, like a little more cinnamon for trouble with blood
Sugar hikes during the parasitic (candida) dieoff.
The most basic cleanse is two to three weeks on the
Wormwood -cloves-green (black) walnut hull combo (which is the huldara clark method). The information on that protocol is here:
The humaworm cleanse is 2x2 pills per day, the clark blend is several pills and tincture at 30 mins before each meal.
The most common issues reported are fatigue during a
parasite cleanse, and then increased energy and feeling of wellbeing after the cleanse.
the reccommended activities after a P cleanse are a liver/gallbladder flush and kidney cleansing, alongside a clean diet.
Trapper has outlined a lot for us that
parasite cleansing and
Liver Flushing are -essential- for a good tour with the iodine
Iodine therapy is bacter-and-fungicidal, and it helps to use the
parasite cleansing first to lower the detox load.
Uhm.. I can't reccommend from personal experience yet, but to say that I'm doing a round of NOW foods green walnut blend first (it is coming in the mail, shipping times from the states to DK vary), and after the last
Amalgams come out in may, a humaworm cleanse. :)
BTW, the humaworm guys are really friendly, and the one I corresponded with has type 2 diabetes, so could relate with blood
Sugar concerns.
Chewing a pair of whole cloves after each meal can help with the thrush, also oil pulling (if the oil you swish gets thick and like warm spreadable butter after just five minutes, then just spit out the oil in the trash can and repeat. Great way to clear out extra mouthgoop in the morning and evening, and it gives vit E to the gums, and essential fatty acids to the bloodstream!)