Definitely! Thanks for the kind remarks, it's also good to know you are able to se that great brain and education of yours. Perhaps in the future we will meet up and have a laugh, hope so. My focus is with the children, their parents and siblings, whole families are now affected by this horror. Too many kids are born with or develop ASD or some other set of symptoms that originate from the one and only monster, there's no TBD, poor little ticks get blamed for things they don't or can't do. What about auto immune disorder, Gall Bladder failure and disease, kidneys burning, thyroid levels being both up and down, teeth crumbling, Alzheimer's, also young men going into a rage that can't be attributed to anything? No one much uses their critical thinking these days, perhaps this is due to most people having this poly fungal hell inside them and they are not yet aware of it. Proper brain function is the first to occur as a symptom, most don't realize it until they become ashamed of how they handle themselves, I certainly waited too long to grasp it. We have a worldwide problem, all are affected, not one group has found the origin, nor the cure, nor the truth about how chronic disease is being approached. All disease, maybe 80% or more could possibly be attributed to the pathogens that have gathered together to produce this pandemic which started with many of us here.
Great photos such as yours and Clews, others, contribute greatly to the knowledge that researchers seek to gather. No one person can fix this mess, it'll take all of us working together against this monster that has been unleashed upon us.
Threader, have you used any probiotics to compensate for the loss of flora and fauna in your gut? This might stop the gut aches, also, there are stones, rocks in the liver and gall bladder, I certainly did and they did hurt. Have you passed any of them? Maybe they are working their way out. I still pulse the maintenance doses of fenben. it's been several years on and off with the doses, I barely notice that I take it. Also, there's something new to discuss that shows great potential, if all pans out then I'll certainly come back here with the report. My health is great! I'm so thankful of that one thing. It was quite a rough ride.