Jle, so you ve been using bepanthen for 4months and you started seeing results after 1 month and a half?
how did the build up decrease? i mean did the cycle slow down or the peelings became thinner or the areas decreased?
And does the inflammation also improved? when a build up comes off how are the lips underneath? still reddish and a bit inflammed?
What about forcyde spots if you have any?
Me too im constantly moisturizing my lips now but with an aloe vera product….the thing is that i keep removing the build up on a 6/7days cycle when it becomes easily removable after shower or brushing teeth…so i guess i should stop touching but its hard. any advice? what did you do during the first month when the build up got thicker and thicker over days without falling off but close to it? did you just leave it as long as it had to?