My fast starts in about a day….to prep, today I took 4 LBB and within a few hours, my tongue showed that "mentally" the body has already been preparing and waiting for 1/1/2014
my tongue today was in a full blown fasting stage, so i can only imagine what it will be like 10 days from now..
I am estimating between fast, I might consume 50-80 -+ LBB capsules as needed between each fast……this method allows there anything goes diet, but as a person gets older, they wise up and eat less and eat less trash as well and the LBB is the only herbal aid I know of in this world that works "perfect"….it has over 100 years of perfecting and by far the most popular herbal formula on the planet…
The tongue is the window to the stomach and liver---what ever that tongue looks like, you can bet your organs are doing the same……and that fact alone, makes BOOK I fasting the genuine cure for all humans disease and not what dr. hulda clark books wrote of….just because you print books saying THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASE, does not mean it is the truth, while BOOK I medical author went down in medical history as having the cure for every known human disease in the books and it scared medical so badly, that by 1950, their colleges were teaching 100% the opposite……no doubt they did everything humanly possible to destroy the author's books, but a few survived and now 80 years later, the truth is still the truth….
I believe the Dr. fell way short of understanding true health……his medical buddy in canada took it further and understood true health, BUT both doctors fell short of herbal education and that is why they both failed to a great degree…..and also why medical allowed them to remain M.D., because if they had pitched their drugs and operations for herbs, that would have surely forced their brotherhood to yank the M.D. license…
So in theory, when the top 3 medical colleges on this planet all agreed that BOOK I was the cure for all----this simply means when herbs are added to the program, the cure should be 10x easier and better and forever to be improved upon with each new generation.
THEN, blend in de-wormer-----VERY FEW HERBALIST specialized in de-worming , they often had a de-wormer formula, but never made a big deal about it….
I THINK IN FACT, if you examine all of medical and all of herbal, you can't help but conclude that all human disease is related to worms….
SO IN THEORY how could a human die of a natural disease "IF" they kept the worms out????????
TRUE GENUINE FASTING EXPERT AUTHORS of the past, all suggested humans don't need to eat 'foods" and medical history pretty much proved that by the mid 1800's, proving most all life is created from air and sun and that is the reason ancient humans worshiped their sun….as the giver of life.
EATING is an American Past Time, the greatest habit we have….
Anyone writing a health book that does not suggest we eat our selves to death, pretty much is not much of a health book.
This year I will be doing the standard BOOK I style orange juice fasting with LBB instead of cool enema and consumption of the 2013 herbal concentrates and air therapy via Air Freshen 2 method.
AS WASTE / ACID expels out of the body, perception increases and that is what makes fasting, fascinating to do!
The greatest waste to expel from the body is in my opinion, chem trail waste…white aluminum and titanium dioxide and the reason I put BOOK 2 together many years ago….that covers that subject well.
Many people are concerned over the nuclear disasters and the should be just as well concerned over the air forces exploding of thousands of tons of nuclear waste / depleted uranium over the war torn countries from Korea to present as a method to destroy the longevity of all those people who will ever live in those countries…..especially the last 2 countries destroyed by the invisible poisons…as well as specific chem trail poisons designed to kill certain races by slow poisons….thanks to the air force who has been doing world war 3 since 1948--slow death to all delivered by the usaf world wide…
To protect from these evil people doing chemical and germ warfare world wide, cleansing your body periodically only makes sense…DUMPING the WASTE as long as the elimination organs can do so…
People have protested outside the gates of air force bases and news never will show it or disclose the fact that world war 3 started in 1948, proving all of there news has been owned by government since the end of world war 2 and probably before that since they got away with murdering over 50 million people in 1919 with their first germ warfare experiment and the news called it swine flue to cover up for their bosses..
EVERY HUMAN is a war torn refuge regardless what they want to think about their life----if they can't believe that, it only proves they keep their eyes closed……..mouths shut and accept death via their morphine highway as good model citizens..
World War 3 has been a humane war for the majority so far, just a slow death by chemicals and germs, while a few million have been killed by bullets and bombs just for 'show"…while the real war has been all chemical and germ as well as frequency / microwave…
As a refuge you can LIVE BETTER by following simple rules of living life on earth add a human….NEVER permit yourself to get sick…….that is goal 1.
The public educated people are so clueless as to why they get sick and there is their greatest failure in their lifetime---the failure to protect your self at all times….
LOOK at PROFESSIONAL BOXING----you can learn many lessons from those guys, like: PROTECT YOURSELF AT ALL TIMES and when you can';t" DA, you LOOSE!
Protect yourself at all times is such a huge subject, I am sure an entire college could be created to teach the many paths of PROTECTION!
Do you have any clue how many WORMS / PARASITES are EATING 'you" right now, 24/7, 365 days per year since the day you were born? in most cases, the number is so high, no one can count that high……………..
DO YOU REALLY CARE IF YOU LIVE OR DIE? Most people never even consider that subject until they take their first helicopter trip to the ER.
Some people get a second chance, while most do not….
A happy life is sure better than a sickly existence…
Those that help them selves, receive their rewards; those that stick out their hands? Well, they hopefully get mercy from those that they stuck it out to….