Sorry if it came off rude. Wasn't meant this way.
I was just trying to sum up where we are, to see where we could go from here.
Actually I am also very sick for a really long time. A long treatment with very strong drugs started this. That's where I'm coming from, that's why I don't trust drugs.
Fasting is really not a good idea when You are feeling awful.
How about a mono diet for a week, apples for example? If that works with Your insulin situation.
I would just try to give the body a break to recover a little and go from there.
And I would work with natural remedies, if You know for sure that
parasites are the issue.
Colon cleansing is key. In my opinion high dosage, non-stop natural remedies are better than drugs.
You can also combine it with albendazole. I bought albendazole once on Ebay, it didn't seem to do anything.