Hey All,
24 year male here with some persistent skin and digestive issues that include fluctating bowel movements and food sensitivites to dairy and eggs. My background includes years on/off antibiotics -- typical of candida sufferers. Always thought I had some sort of systematic candida. This suspicion became more prominent when I was on my last cycle of antibiotics I began experiencing some chronic jock itch and white coated tongue.
For a month or so, everytime I drank even a sip of alcohol I expereinced some major discomfort: bloating, indigestion, pain.
These past few months, I've maintained a strict anti-candida diet. I've also included various anti-fungals: coconut oil, garlic, and ACV. Fortunately, itching has subsided.
However, I still went forth with stool sample test to discover any other possible problems going on.
As you can see, no signs of candida showed up. I am relieved and frustrated all in one. I thought I was barking up the right tree due to my symptoms, but I guess not. It looks like one my main issues is low stomach acid (I performed the HCL test) and a severe low level of beneficial bacteria. I was also suprised to find some potential pathogens growing in my digestive system. Apparently these potential pathogens can be killed off with uva ursi (noted on the 3rd and 4th page) and some antibiotics. I'm also now on a high dosage of probiotics (225 billon strains to be specific) and a dosage of uva ursi as well.
Additionally, I've been taking HCL- Betatine supplements with my larger meals, along with apple cider vinegar to top it off. I hope this can get my stomach acid re-balanced.
Judging by my results, am I missing anything? Are these results the cause of my underlying symtoms, you think?
I'm on my way to recovery, I hope!
Thanks for the feedback, ya'll.
Avoid antibiotics by all means. Antibiotics set the stage for fungal candida. Its worst to have fungal candida then to have some bad bacteria overgrowth.