Thank you very much for all the info and your thoughts! Yeah it would be good if you could have the test done on many different days, but unfortunately that is not the only possible destination for my money :)
If HCG works with your body it just boosts your own system so I was thinking that maybe the body would normalise pretty soon after stopping the injections, but now that you said it I realise it may take at least some weeks. I think I'll have the test done in about a week anyway, because I'm planning to start the candida/
parasite diet and cleanses, which I'm sure will have a big impact on cortisol values. The diet will be so frustrating (I've tried it once before) I think I'd rather start it as soon as possible so in a few weeks the worst cravings should be over :)
I also have low ferritin (20-26) and taking 2-3 iron supplements daily has made me feel a bit better. However, I've read that iron feeds candida so I guess I'll need to stop taking the supplements for some time if I try to rid myself of the possible candida. Thanks again for your thoughts!