I am at present in Sweden, and had great difficulty scourcing
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) food grade. eventually i went on line and managed to get it sent out from Manchester UK. it took over a week, to arrive, but i was thankfull to have even this small ammount 250ml,
however as it is 35% i can make 11 times this quantity. The local pharmacy sells distilled water in 500ml bottles at 25kr = £5 per litre. This works out quite expensive as you can consume almost a litre a day. the most economical method and just as effective is to purchase th 35% food grade on line , dilute 1 ounce of the
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) into 11 ozs of distilled water, and using an atomiser inhale the 3% solution. If you are not familiar with the inhalation method, a perfume atomiser is ideal for this procedure.
method. fill atomiser with 3% food grade.HP. warning it is dangerous to inhale any stronger HP.
Breath out as far as possable,then as you breath in give 2-3 puffs breath in deeply, repeat this. then carry out this procedure 3 times a day to start with, then as you ger used to the procedure increase the number of puffs, and depending on your medical condition increase the number of daily doses.
This method puts oxygen directly into the lungs, and you dont have to worry about when to eat.
Another warning, DO NOT TAKE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IF YOU HAVE HAD A ORGAN TRANSPLANT. as your enhanced body imune system will reject the transplanted organ, And if you are not confident find someone who like myself has experimented with drinking , and inhaling the H2O2, and i much prefer the inhalation method.- you can google. (the one minute cure freedom school). and get all the information you will ever need on taking H2O2.this is a free download.