Apology accepted Sammer but please try to calm down ok? Please. I am giving you this advice because you will get much more help and information this way.
I get that you are very frustrated and I feel for you. I do. But you cannot be reading these other posts and think that there is "no cure". This is not so and there surely is a cure for pinworms. If pinworms is for sure what you had/have and you took the meds then there is something else going on.
Can you please give some more information that may be helpful. How old are you? What kind of place do you live in? Work in? How many people do you live with? Do you have children? Animals?
Are you seeing worms now ? Did you see them ever? When was the first time you noticed this? How long has it been going on? Did you ever have an official diagnosis? Labtest? Anything? Are you having any other symptoms other than anal itching?
You shouldn't worry about hunting down people who have cured themselves of pinworms but should focus more on what is going on with you and what factors have contributed to either building a very strong resistance or reinfecting yourself. Also, how long ago did you take the meds? There is a chance that you didn't take the meds long enough if you had a very bad infection but I don't know if you can up and start taking them again at this point.
I'm sorry that you are having this problem and I feel awful for you about the woman that you want to be with. That is very sad.
Please take some deep breaths, think about these questions and answer them as best you can so people can try and help you.
Be patient.