Hi All,
Just a quick update. Im 16 days (4 days off, 12 days on) into taking 120-150mgs daily of
Lugols 5%. Taking salt, selenium, vit c, Zinc and a bit of magnesium. Had some pretty insanely nasty detox, worse the first couple times I tried a few months back, but this time wasnt super pleasant either. Anyhow I persisted through that painfully groggy and moody period, thankfully came out the other end with more energy, focus, nicer looking skin, softer hair, better sleep, clear sinuses, and Im pretty sure much less hair shedding (all over my body). I play sports on a team too, and while I feel run down playing, Im playing way more in the zone and getting great compliments from teammates that I wasnt getting b4. Someone told me I had crazy cardio, which suprised me bc I thought my lungs were going to explode from running too hard - and this is all since I started Iodine.
Detox sypmtoms were depression, anger, anxiety, cramps, crazy eye crusties in the morning, serious sinus drainage, my neck would get hot and sweat, had a bit of a stink happening under the arms for a few days, 1-2 days of light coughing, some chest/lung pain, some throat swelling, and phlegm coming from my throat (still there though not as much). Im still a bit fatigued, but feel better than before
Iodine on the whole I would say.
I think Im expelling quite a bit of bromide, as my pee has weird reflective streaks to it (kind of hard to describe).
I get glimpses of feeling alert and grounded, like when I was a teenager, though I still feel a little disconnected. Energy improves everyday, in the meantime I'm just trying to get good rest. I also get these little phases of just plain great moods, and there are very little bad moods if any bad ones at all for the past 5 days. This is a big change for me. Any case it all seems to be finally pointing in the right direction which is motivating me to keep going at least for a couple more months, then reassess.
Whenever I need motivation, I watch Dr Brownstein's presentation - there are two now, abt 1.5 hours long each. His reasoning appears totally legit. Seems it could take at least 3 months to make any significant headway, possibly 6 months to up to a year. Fortunately I found a place to get 3.5
oz of
Lugol's for only $15.
Anyhow, will keep you all posted. Thanks for all the support from everyone, esp Grizz, Ginagirl and Trapper.