Just to be clear, as to the phenom being dicussed, who it afflicts, I in no way exlude myself. After the last post I sat and contemplated trying to remember when it was and what it was that finally tipped the scales enough that allowed me to confront, recognize, acknowledge and admit to this human weakness within myself. There are various events that could easily be pointed to, but there are probably many more from over my years that, because of being so skilled in this weakness, I don't remember. The occurance of Cognitive Dissonance, especially the first few times, is one thing and has it's own effect, but there is a separate effect that occurs from repetition of the process over many years. If there is another fancy name for it, I don't know what the name is, but very much know what some of the symptoms are and what it feels like; a feeling of mental weakness that includes physical exhaustion from the effort of trying to maintain for so long the required mental gymnastics required to keep the fiction of a growing collection of truths buried and hidden from consciousness. For me, the topic of chemtrails is irelevant and really has nothing to do with how I came to pierce this particular veil.
An event many years ago stands out; the memory of a 12-year old in a small rural town being coaxed and introduced to the idea that, long term, it was a smart and good thing to apply for a social benefit offered to all by my government. I was probably a fairly typical bumpkin uneducated in the ways of the world beyond a few miles circle around my home. It's not like I was any kind of genius, unless part of being genius is the ability to recognize a particular confusion going on in one's mind. I even remember asking myself way back then why it was I resisted this for many months and to this day can still recollect how it was that something about this concept just did not jive in my mind. Of course I did a very american thing, caved in, and eventually applied. These 35 years later, with the cumulative benefit of many recent long days and months searching and studying on my own, it finally dawned on me what my reluctance was all about way back then; becoming aware of the grand design and purpose behind the systemic practice of enumerating human flesh.
More recently, just one event in particular prominent for me - the WACO tragedy. Informed with just the basic facts and information of the situation - a house full of many residents, including women and children, surrounded by a storm of various government agents, some wearing the attire and carrying the supposed authority IE> BATF in this case, some attired in the brook's brother garb of corporate network television, I didn't need much more input to convince me there was something terribly wrong about all of this, despite the incessant audio coverage of the reporters on the scene and back at the studio babbling on and on, trying to convince the viewers otherwise, doing their primary job of instructing and telling me the viewer what to think about this event. I distincly remember hitting the mute button after a while, having become so annoyed by the audio speak. Then continued to sit and watch, silent and increasingly dumbfounded as the event in Texas continued to play out along with the confusion playing out inside my head that ultimately lead to being convinced. Even if all the alleged charges and supposed crimes were true of some of the men people trapped inside, what was beign done under the guise of just punishment was just wrong; even the likes of Bundy got a semingly legitimate and formal trial. The seeds the tv continued to plant no longer mattered to me. They coulda (and did) yacked and yacked all day long, sugar coating and placating the viewers' thoughts as to the rational behind what we all witnessed. It didn't matter to me, the confusion coalescing in my mind told me better. It did not matter to me that starting with Clinton & Reno and trickling down from there, like crap down a hill, the government was alleged to have the authority (IE> implied blessing and consent of the people) to facilitate theot actions, in this case by proxy throgh some of their many hired leg-breakers, thugs and payed terrorists dressed in black (payed courtesy of the u.s. taxpayers). Our government allegedly gets its power and authority from the people; translation - if the government claims they can do something, it's as a result of the people being entitled to do the same. That means you, me, all of us are entitled to barbarically lynch any group of people we so decide on, then have it plastered all over tv, and finally, be entitled to to pat ourselves on the back as patriotic heroes after the fact. My mind was unable to come up with a formula to make it right to terrorize and kill people surrounded and trapped by the heavy arm of a government,whether it be a genuine manifestation of government by the people or by a government long gone far south from the ideal of being of the people. Indescriminately and instantaneously taking on the role of sherrif, judge & jury, live, before the tv, in burning these alive people to death, while bombing, smashing, torching and burning their house to the ground was just plain wrong on many counts. Somewhow in the wake of all of this a big seed was planted to lead we the viewers to believe that because the victims trapped inside had the nerve to put up some defense and resistance in not wanting to be burned alive, and (supposedly) took out a few of those BATF-attired terrorists in the process, and which was also captured live for the tv viewer and replayed and editorialized over and over, this somehow exemplified, justified AND exonerated the actions of the government acting on the blessing of the people.
For me, the deciding confusion to get beyond was that this was in no way representative of my blessings and consent, was not representative of a land of the free and home of the brave, nor the notion of equal protection for all under the law, nor no man (or person) being above the law, nore every person due process, nor an independent and unbiased media informing the public of the truths of a matter; these were the opposites, hence the turning of the tide of the previous mass confusion in my mind.