Well...our body isn't so simple that we can assume just "this OR that" :::sigh:::
Consider this, and work it into your symptoms/issues:
The foundational building block of all 'hormones' is healthy cholesterol created by our own liver. But when our liver is compromised & congested (as is everyones), our liver doesn't create adequate/healthy cholesterol. (I've never seen/assisted an 'adrenal person' that didn't have major liver compromise).
The liver is the Master Chemist of the body - it converts hormones & substances created by the body into their active/usable forms (examples: the liver converts inactive thyroid T4 into active T3; the liver converts the chemicals created by sunlight exposure to the hormone-like substance of "Vitamin D", etc). The liver also works with the pancreas/body to ensure stable blood sugar (when the liver is not functioning adequately, fluctuating/low blood sugar is common).
When the liver is compromised and not producing perfect cholesterol to fund all the processes of creation & conversion of hormones, our body can use the cholesterol from other animals/sources. But while that foreign cholesterol IS usable and will bandaid symptoms of low cholesterol/inadequate hormone levels...like all bandaids that don't address the true cause, it causes harm. And the unnatural animal fats, animal hormones in the meat/fat (and stored toxins throughout the meat/fat) definitely cause stress to the liver.
SO, you've lessened (substantially) the amount of animal cholesterol you're ingesting. and you've known 'since the beginning' that your liver is extremely compromised - and now there's the drugs compromising it further. And now you're exhibiting symptoms of the liver self-cleaning/healing and low adrenal/calming hormones.
Yes, it is possible that the slight increase in liver function due to a wee-bit of self-cleansing means your body is processing-out the Valium more efficiently. Yes, your liver has been relieved of the massive burden of ingesting massive amounts of foreign meat/fat/cholesterol/hormones/toxins. Yes, this likely means that your liver-chemist has less cholesterol to use to create an ample level of natural hormones (and this could certainly mimic "withdrawal symptoms"). Yes, if you're still on HC, this lessens or shuts down the adrenals natural function of creating raw adrenal hormones (so the liver doesn't have adequate natural raw material to work with).
The logical way to speed up the healing process would be to ensure the "form & function" of the liver is as optimal as possible. If you are seeing liver debris without doing any type of 'flushing', then it's logical your liver is extremely congested.
You know what to do about that! (a series of bi-weekly flushes until the amount of debris seen coming out is consistently less than the previous flushes). For those that are symptomatic with liver congestion, this will typical take 24+ flushes (with varying levels & types of releases)...less flushing is necessary if assisted by daily CE's and the various liver supporting/cleansing herbs & adjuncts.
Hopefully that gives you some insight & info that assists you on your healing pathways.
Healthiest of blessings,
Being underweight or unable to gain/sustain weight is NOT a disease - it's simply a symptom of what needs to be healed. It's virtually impossible to eliminate a symptom without eradicating the underlying cause/s (unless using unnatural/harmful substances, chemicals or surgery). No one dies from being underweight; they die from the cause of being underweight.
>>>My take was that once I start clearing out the buildup and not taxing my body so much with all that indigestible dead food, the weight would come right back on somewhat quickly, but that's not been tbe case.<<<
Colon build-up can be all/part (or even none) of ones inability to gain weight). There are gazillions of people out there that are overweight with seriously congested colons, eh? Your diet/posts indicates that you're ingesting far more calories/fats than necessary to gain weight - yet you're not gaining weight. You're not likely going to be able to gain weight while eating a diet that attempts to 'bandaid your symptom'. Please read this stellar post by Miss H curezone.com/forums/fm.asp (and then read it several more times for good measure :) The important (to you right now) information is about cleansing/clearing receptors, etc. Regarding the juicing aspect of the post above: I do understand juice-fasting might not be 'in you picture' right now, but there's no reason you can't benefit from a quart (or more) of fresh juice every day.
In regards to the post above, you won't be able to clean your receptor sites with a liver in a state of congestion/malfunction - and of course you know the drugs you're taking aren't helping a thing (benzos & antidepressants are notorious for unnatural weight loss/gain). But you can still undertake a structured/logical liver cleansing/healing program. And sadly, ingesting around 1/2 of a cup of coconut oil (enough for a liver flush) every day is not structured or logical...in fact, flushing your liver every day is extremely taxing (to the point of harmful) for your liver! There are very good reasons why healers suggest flushing once every two weeks (except in obviously essential situations).
If you Google cascara sagrada (and "liver"), you'll find it is a VERY strong liver herb.
Regarding your weight "coming right back on" - methinks with your unresolved long term issues (and the current drugs), you should consider getting your head around the fact that there is not going to be any "coming right back on" due to more fats/calories, more/less meat, diet extremes of any kinds - and a couple-three cleanses. It takes nearly everybody a series of around 24 liver cleanses (done consistently, and supported adequately) to cleanse & restore their liver...and that's when they're not dealing with liver/body compromising drugs.
Even when we're young, we should not expect healing to happen in less time than it took for us to develop and sustain/worsen symptoms & compromise. Right now you're feeling much better in many ways, but you're still compromising your body with the drugs (and with the diet extremes).
Progress IS a process! Strong knowledge, logic & consistency are not the name of the game, they ARE the game! You're looking for a slow, steady upward trend - and that is going to have a few 'dips' along the way.
My suggestions? STOP focusing on your weight immediately! Do not get on the scale more than once a month and stop counting calories & fat grams (and any other grams). You're not going to get the improvement you want/deserve while chasing that symptom (EFT it away :). Stick to Dr. Christopher's Mucusless Diet; anything you add, add in the same proportions/ratios as that diet. Get at least a quart of fresh juice daily.
Daily CE's? a must. Many of Gerson's patients were a few days/weeks away from death, and addicted to opiate pain killers. They all tolerated 4-5 CE's daily and most were off the opiates in days (without enduring extreme w/d's). It's very possible the CE's not only reduce pain substantially, but make drug w/d easier (I don't know how that's possible, but I've seen 'easier withdrawal' reported several times over the years in various places).
Start a consistent series of organized/planned & well supported liver flushes (with a parasite cleanse or two). Don't 'force flush' your liver every day with so much oil/fat; don't rely solely upon things like diet, liver herbs or reflexology to thoroughly flush/restore your liver.
Continue withdrawing safely & sanely from your meds (it sounds like you're doing great there). You've come a LONG way and done lots of great healing work so far... just don't expect too much-too fast!
Healthiest of blessings,