Well Im off to school this week, and Im finally moving on from this EC crap after about a year and a half. Im just done thinking about it, worrying about it, and obsessing about it. And finally I will have a true reason to, when I go back to school.
As unlikely as it seems, I had by far the most progress while I thought this was a wound, and I was using wound healing creams and ointments. So although I think that theory is pretty unlikely, I am going to start using those again for awhile since steroids dont seem to do much. And after all, that "treatment" I was doing for wound healing could have also been effective for inflammation.
My inflammation had been going down slowly over the duration of the summer and I hope it continues. The Biafine seems to be helping, and did WONDERS on my sunburn.
Also since I hate Vaseline and Aquaphor because of how shiny it is, I found a great all-natural moisturizing chapstick that works great. I have realized over the past week that, for me, its not about having a barrier on my lips but rather having them moisturized, that keeps them normal.
And what I hate most about the Vaseline/Aquaphor is that it clumps up/rubs off while talking which this chapstick doesnt do. So as soon as the Vaseline would rub off my lips, they would feel exposed and a bit uncomfortable. But the chapstick clings to my lips more and actually moisturizes them so that even if it does rub off my lips still feel good. Since Vaseline technically doesnt moisturize, it retains moisture.
Anyways I know Ive been saying for awhile now that Im leavin this forum, but now that Im actually moving on I wont be on here. But Ill check in from time to time and I will definitely come back WHEN I become cured.
Good luck to all, and its been real.