I have been reading some of Dr Ecks writings lately, I can't post a link here as I don't have them in elecronic form just paper but I am going to write some of what he says about diet and hypoglycemia because it is completely the opposite of what is accepted fact here and might help some people.
" Being hypoglycemic for the better part of my life and perhaps a bit confused in my thinking, I could not figure out why the same high protein diet that helped so many hypoglycemics not only failed to make me feel better but actually made me worse. During thise years I was a heavy meat eater and frequently bragged about it because I had more energy than most. If I cut down on meat I experienced an energy loss. Eating meat would restore my energy levels to normal. What I was doing was trading off a high energy level for continuous hypoglycemia. Eating a diet high in protein was recommended for individuals with hypoglycemia.
It wasn't until I realised that calcium and magnesium were lost in considerable quantities as a result of high protein diets that I decided to cut down on my meat intake.
My energy level dropped considerably shortly after reducing my protein intake, however I did notice that an ever present anxiety that I had suffered with for the greater part of my life was considerably better. In other words I had found that a high protein diet caused me anxiety. Later on I also found that a high protein diet was contributing considerably to my hypoglycemia.
From this experience I learned that I was different, that what worked for the majority not only failed to work for me but made me worse. Returning to a high protein diet brought about a return of my hypoglycemic symptoms.
It was at this point in time I realised that what worked for some made others worse. This was my first introduction to what became known as biochemical individuality. "
Over the past year here there have been so many people on these boards trying to eat a high protein or paleo type diet and really struggling with it or feeling good on some so called "bad food" but not continuing with it due to being told it can't possibly be helping them. Dr Eck even has a paragraph where he talks about how alcohol will be beneficial to some diabetics with certain body chemistry.
So you should eat what feels best for you not what you are told will be best for you because it is so individual that no practitioner is ever going to be able to help much with that. I think that this part of Dr Ecks' understanding has been a bit lost overtime.