colon clenase: organic whole pysllium husk with activated charcoal-
6 months then 3 to 5X a week for life
organic whole psyllium from
activated charcoal from
parasite cleanse: fully ozonated hemp oil (3 hours away from food)- 1/4 teaspoon for 1 1/2 months, humaworm- 2 months supply (mix with honey then water), DE- 2 to 3 months, barefoot- 2 bottles (3 teaspoons- 3X a week), zymex II- 1 bottle, Coq10 (3 spoons in honey once a week- 1 powder bottle), L-cysteine (3 pills daily for one month) start all at once and T-Rex zapper- try to zap 24 hours for one month continuously--
Iodine drops--- 3 drop everyday for life
for maintenance: humaworm 2X a year- one month duration and take ozonated hemp oil when you feel you need it and take again for a month if you feel re-infested
fully ozonated hemp seed oil from
humaworm from delivery buy 3 months just in case you need more
DE (1 Diatomaceous Earth 2.5 lb Gal Jug) from
barefoot= P/W Elimination "B" Tincture from
Standard Process Zymex II from amazon
Now brand Coq 10 powder & L-cysteine pills from amazon
T-rex zapper from
Iodine- Nascent
Iodine from amazon
It is important to do this all at once to minimize scattering.
most important is taking fully ozonated hemp oil 1/4 teaspoon- for 1 1/2 months every night and take when you feel it is needed as well-- it cured scattering for me-- small pets .12 cc/ml every night away from food for 1 1/2 months and then once a week ---when you feel they need another
parasite cleansing for duration of one week (2X a year)
rub a mixture of the fully ozonated hemp oil with partially ozonated olive oil for pets and have her sunbath and then intake humaworm and DE--so the
parasites will leave her skin and try to hid in her gut, the humaworm and DE will kill them in the gut
Takes 6 months to cure-- she will start to feel better in 3 months
Everyone should do this to feels cleaner and younger....
Make cloudbuster and get some orgone from