Oh well honey you are in good company. I too have got the delusional parasatosis label from one dermatologist and my other Dr. just shut me out completely. Not her area of expertise she said and passed me onto the other Dr. I have one more Dr. to try but my sister did better she got a lab to look at it and it came back as saphorytic fungi that supposidely everyone has on their skin. I guess diet etc. can make it grow too much and it can become a problem. Producing strange things out of our pores etc. Or there is another type of parasitic fly that has all sorts of different life stage cycles including worm like larvae. There is a lot of funky stuff out there. You are not crazy. We all have it wheather it is fungi/mold/flies/demodex mites etc. etc. We are human animals, we have parasites/bateria/fungi all over us. It has become a problem for some of us and here we are trying our best to figure it out. I left my verbally abusive man and am now just focusing on my own health. Like you need to be abused while your trying to get healthy. Geesh some people eh? Tell him to take a chill pill! and just start raising your PH and getting salty. Most things hate high PH and salt. Starting chewing down on the
Sea Salt water and baking soda to raise ph quickly. Drink lots and lots of water and eat supper nutritious alive foods. No junk, no sugar, no wheat, no booze all that stuff feeds the parasites/fungi/bacteria/yeast/molds read read read!