I couldn't figure it out for the longest time. I did really good in the beginning, (2007 and 2008) but then went off what I knew to work for me and tried other forms of
Iodine and they all worked.
But for a TIME.
Recently I had been depressed. Went on fruit and nuts - mainly because of constipational issues that still plague me.
I'd take magnesium, but then it would always give me diarrhea...take less than what I had to take for diarrhea, though, and it wouldn't work AT ALL half the time! sigh
I finally thought - hey - I'm not going to take ANY iodine, but just
SSKI . It's been proven safe for a VERY long time. In HUGE doses.
I'm presently taking a bit more than a gram THREE times a day - every day.
In my water I still take salt and soda - basically I'm doing the Cayce thing but with Trap's
SSKI INSTEAD of iodine.
So far so good.
So more being cold.
No more excessive saliva.
I'm actually sweating again.
I don't stink.
No more headaches.
No more depression.
And best of all?
I'm REGULAR again and not even needing to take magnesium!
It's easy to be consistent with this because I'm eating what I want - I'm GIVING IN to what my body tells me what it wants.
IF it tells me it wants chocolate, I can actually eat just a few bites, and then I'm satisfied. It's not like the six candy bars I could eat in one sitting in my 20's. It's a "little dab will do me" sort of thing.
I have cravings for things like brussels sprouts one day, refried beans and spicy tomatoes another day...
cottage cheese and pineapple chunks another day.
split-pea soup last week - for BREAKFAST.
Right now it's two raw eggs for breakfast - the last several days.
But I'm consistant with the more than 3 grams of
SSKI daily.
My skin is getting soft again, too. I am elated.
This started because I learned with a skin problem called sporotrichosis, one of the prescriptions (allegedly still a choice of scripts in use today) is WORKING UP TO six grams a day (
you MUST work UP to that dose) for as long as six months to cure the skin fungal problem.
Since I too, have skin problems, I figure, hey, maybe I need more iodi
De too.
I thought I was sufficient in
Iodine taking a half gram of sski along with the
Iodine I was taking.
I was wrong.
I'm feeling amazing again.
Iodine/and/or/iodide supplementation and its companions are as diverse a treatment as we are a people.
It's one of the reasons why I cringe when people come to me and say, "Just tell me what to take"
I can only say what works for me.
at any given time.
It just feels good to "be ME again"!!!