Thanks for you information
I have to say a few things. I'm anything but a novice at this, unfortunately. I can count at least 30 doctors and alternative practitioners who have given me pat answers like this. And I'm not saying that you are in any way wrong or misinformed, these are just my personal experiences.
I'm not so naive to think that I can just pop pills now and get well, especially after my past experiences with pills. Plus I've come a long way from the days when I was a bedridden vegetable, so a few of the things I've done worked. The problem was I had to sift through so many different sources of information and practitioners with an extremely low percentage rate of success.
I'm not offended at all, but for instance what is the lifestyle change that I need to make to reverse mercury poisoning from vaccines and broken thermometers (aside from the obvious to not vaccinate or be near broken thermometers anymore). And I don't even know if mercury is causative in my case, but it is there and part of the problem. At one point I had severe neurological problems and became dyslexic while detoxing. It took 5 years of saunas to reverse this.
I tried chlorella many years ago and it didn't seem to do much other than detox my intestines a bit which I was already doing. Cilantro seems to have no effect on me anymore as I tested it some months ago. Saunas have been great, but the progress is so slow that I'll never completely recover in this lifetime.
I'm already leading the ultimate
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome recovery lifestyle and have been for many years now. I sleep whenever I have to, zero stress, fairly clean diet with no
preservatives . Like I mentioned previously I do eat
Sugar now but it doesn't seem to bother me in moderation.The damage to my small intestine seems endless, whether it was from gluten or mercury who knows, but it's been over 20 years now of detoxing.
My adrenals seem to be fairly strong now, most of the symptoms are digestive and the worst is complete lack of bile flow. I think this may have been from birth or something genetic since nothing seems to work - I'm considering surgery for this but first trying to exhaust the few options I have left (seeing a tropical disease specialist next week to search for protozoa).
Curious to what your opinion is about protozoa being a causative agent for candida/intestine problems. I was solely focused on helminths for a long time since I was seeing them in stool that I didn't give much thought to protozoa.
Last year I pushed myself into seeing what I could do with athletics and it was a partial success, being able to bike and play tennis for a few hours. I didn't crash at all after a few months of this, but in the end I just felt like a sick person pushing myself to do these things and just reverted back to a sedentary life style.
If I could get handle on just 1 more symptom I think I could start to make a permanent reversal of everything but the bile blockage makes everything else seem futile.
What is your opinion on the best way to handle serious bile flow problems? I tried a lot of things including flushes, taurine, lecithin, lemons, silymarin, etc.