Studies show people getting goiters, hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, graves and hashimoto's issues after taking iodine.
I would like to see if anyone here has ever had a goiter from taking iodine and how long did it last?
Yes, I know that and you know that, but the stupid studies out there say differently.
I would like to see from the experiences of those who supplement regularly for years.
I know they resolve unless they have a hot nodule and I would like to know if anyone has had the hot nodule resolve on their one.
But your the Iodine Man!
What was it you took as the highest Lugol's iodine dose?
wow, 96 drops of lugols. I would have lost
How much do u take for maintenance?
Have you seen this study?
I agree because it is poorly written studies like this that keep drs from seeing the truth about iodine.
The interesting part is that none of the neonates had a goiter. Twins resolved their hypo status, but the other they left him on thyroid hormone.
We have no idea how long the mothers were on iodine and they didn't do a followup after 3 months to see where their TSH was at.
That's terrible because there are no real details describing these 2 situations.
For all we know, these 2 pregnancies could have been cherry picked.