You know how much I love you......
But it would be a frivolous lawsuit.
Not worth anyone's time........................
I have actually been working for the G since '95.
And people want to sue the Government for all types of things.
And once in a blue moon they hold .... me .... a low level employee responsible.
I am not going to pretend to be a lawyer here..........
But "Western Medicine" drugs need to go through trials.
For better or for worse......
Not the same for alternative medicine..........
For better or for worse..............
People could ultimately claim that rat poison cures herpes.
Obviously it doesn't.
So these things get by on a wink and a nod.
Which is probably the best place for it...........
Do you know how many outrageous claims have been made?
From the likes of Kevin Trudeau and Hulda Clark?
It's lucky the whole kit'n'kaboodle hasn't been shut down just from those two.........
Alternative Medicine is an incredible thing.
But there is just as many scammers in it as the Western Style.
Maybe not the money........
But too many people trying to make a buck to allow anyone to advertise a "cancer cure" to the masses.
Yeah it sucks. Cuz there are some honest people in alternative medicine.
But this whole issue is pretty much a non-issue.
Courts deal with laws and evidence and proof.
That's just the way it is.
For better or for worse.