There are several suggestions none of which are overnight cures. It will take time, lots of time and much patience. Mineral supplements,juicing greens lots of greens, I also consume raw aloe vera leaves,take systemic enzymes, calcium magnesium and zinc, and the new thing I have discovered,
Bentonite clay that draws the acids out of the colon and out of the body, it will also pull out the
parasites and candida, but it may take up to a year. Concentrate on colon health. It you are not eliminating waste properly your cells are not being bathed in clean fluids.The ways your body stay healthy is respiration,urination, defecation, and persperation. If these are not working properly you can get disease. Usually it is the defecation and urination that get us into trouble. The colon is the most abused and overlooked, neglected organ in the body when it should be the primary point of concern. When acids build up the body has to store them to get them from damaging vital organs,the storage facility is called fat and water retention, also the body will produce cholesterol to protect itself from those acids. Every single disease other that parasitic disease is a direct result of excess body acids. Heart disease,cancer, diabetes,lupus,and many others are the result of those acid accumulations caused by heavy acid diets and poor colon function. Even A fib.
For many years I carried around a large pot belly. I weighed 182 when I should have weighed 140, even less. All fat and holding huge amounts of acid waste from the years of abuse. All that suffer from disease do not need more acids being dumped into them in the form of rat poison coumiden, when fruit and vegetables will thin the blood. I am not saying get off the coumiden because that may be unwise for some but I did, and do not regret it. I am a believer in juice fasting for healing, and a believer that there is another way. I do not rely on nutritionists, or dieticians, for advice because I don't think they know what I know. I eat no meat,eat only one main meal a day and that is a vegetarian plate served up at the local Thai restaurant. I drink
Bentonite in the am and the PM and would do it three times a day except it has to be taken on and empty stomach. The
Bentonite has blown crap out of my colon that I have no idea what the heck it is or where it came from. I am still in the healing stages and have far to go, but the gut is falling off and I feel so much better. For the pm I eat a salad or something light and do it before 7pm. As digestion improves hunger is not an issue because a more efficient colon is absobing more nutrition and asks for less food.
Another thing to consider is the body may be low on stomach acids. Stomach acid digests food,prevents
parasite infections, and destroys bacteria entering the body. Many are low on this acid. When you are low on stomach acids food may sit in the colon and fester becoming a pile of manure attracting candida and
parasites and pumping toxins into the body, A body with strong stomach has has good blood alkaline. If that is confusing I will explain it to you.