For some people, doing cleanses affects the body in peculiar ways. There is a video on Youtube that I saw recently on NDE's. There was a group of NDE's at a conference discussing their experiences.
One lady had went on a cleanse to lose weight. After she did her cleanses she started to slowly go back to old eating habits which included junk food. She went into anaphylactic shock because she ate a Trail Mix that had
sulfites in them. The shock triggered her NDE. She believed she had gotten "too clean" that her body either couldn't handle or wouldn't tolerate certain substances anymore that it used to be able to deal with without incident.
So, I guess my point is when you do all of those cleanses, you make your body so clean that it stops processing certain foods the way it used to. This is my take, and the woman had a real life experience with this. Someone else commented on the video that they believed the cleanses she did actually weakened her immune response, but I'm not sure of that. Even though I have been on a horrible diet for decades and still have a pretty good immune system being that I never get sick (occasional respiratory issues), and I am around people who eat better than me, are much slimmer and get sick more often.
I really wouldn't do a cleanse on the kidneys just yet since you say that you have kidney issues. I would like to tell you to talk with a physician first, but I know curezone does not condone that kind of advice. BTW, I used to have gout (Rich Man's Rhuematism) too years ago, I could tell anytime I stood on my tippy toes, but it mysteriously went away on it's own despite the fact my diet was still rich.