That sucks that you havent had success with Lam or the Wilsons , there must be something out there that can help us. You sound like you could have a different problem than me , although I did take ritalyn and aderall for about 8 years from age 7 to about 16 skipping a year. I didnt become severely ill until I was 23. But my childhood ilness I know has to be from vaccines and
Amalgam fillings, my mother has a mouth full of them during pregnancy. I had sensitivity to sunlight and noise, also was allergic to many things, pollen , caffeine, msg, possibly other things that I was not aware of. I also was a bedwetter until age 14, it was uncotrollable even with meds. I joined the army at age 18, I recieved about a dozen shots, included the anthrax shot(twice I think). It was very stressful time for me in the Army since my ADHD was kickin my ass. One day when I was in my baracks room playing video games and drinking vanilla coke, I started feeling very lightheaded and dizzy, and could not breathe, I called the ambulance, they said i was fine, but it took hours to recover, since that day I basically became intolerant to
Sugar and carbs, I would get dizzy lightheaded and short of breathe. But I ate carbs caffeine and
Sugar anyways. I feel like I can contribute my diet and the vaccines to my illness. Especially the caffeine, which I had a ton of it, (coffee energy drinks) before I redeployed from Iraq to the states. Often I would get anxiety on plane rides, this time was pretty intense I was a nervous wreck for about a 17 hour flight. When we landed I felt very numb , my feelings,emotions were gone.... I thought it would go away but it didnt, I drank alcohol, not heavily but more than I normally would, 3-7 drinks a day. for about a month.
2 months later I arrive home because I had gotten out of them Army. And just a couple days later, I started feeling dizzy and panicky, nauseas, out of nowhere. I eventually calmed myself. Then that night I went to sleep, and felt extremley odd, like hallucinating, and I jolted awake at like midnight feeling super energetic and no longer sleepy. I couldnt get back to sleep..... (thats what started my insomnia that I still experience today 4 years later.) So the next day im really confused and aggravated, I go to have a bowel movement and it looked very strange, it freaked me out. A lot of weird changes happened also, heart palpitations, tremors ( in my chest legs and top of my head). Weird sinus pressure.
food allergies /intolerances to even more foods. I never felt sleepy at all, I just had super energy for like 6 months, until one day I decided to eat a bunch of candy one night, that seemed to put my body at ease a little bit somehow permanately. So then I eventually learhned that eating carbs/sugar at night helps me sleep....I did this for about 3 years, I couldnt found a way around it , I needed sleep, then I eventually changed my diet about 4 months ago, from what I learned on Lawrence wilsons site, I tried following his diet recommendations, instead of refined carbs or junk, I eat plain yogurt at night to help sleep, It almost always works.
Sleep isnt my only problem , I feel very irritable quite often. I have to watch what I eat , I probably have a severe electrolyte imbalance, I cant drink a lot of water, i will get a headache, and short of breathe, and feeling not right. ADHD symptoms still persist even on a good diet. I believe I could have candida ,
Sugar and carbs make me have candida symptoms such as sinus pressure and itching, depression. I am always tired now, exercise hurts , even working at Lowes, I have a hard time staying on my feet, my muscles do not repair well at all.....
Sorry I made this so long. Dunno how to sum up my problems in a short paragraph, cuz its so random.