Can Uny or Willow please advise?
Although I've been taking IF#1 every day for 3 years...
I haven't been able to move my bowels for three days now, except for a wee bit and that not without straining.
I am beginning to worry.
I wonder if there could be some blockage,
For the past three (3) years, I've been using IF #1, daily, at 7 caps dosage. Last night I took 9, with no results this morning.
Over this time period, things have ALWAYS moved right along, with the desired bm after each ingestion of food -- even after, say only eating a handful of orange wedges.
Over this time, I've always had the proverbial resulting "wow" in the morning, the consistency of nut butter.
Over this time, I have not eaten meat or most dairy and eggs, though sometimes I'll have a bit of cheese if it's an ingredient on a home-cooked dish, but I don't go out of my way looking for it.
Over this time I've done spring and fall week-long juice fasts with the Kidney cleans and IF#2 as well.
I no longer drink coffee, and drink tea only rarely.
I no longer eat cake or sweets, etc.
I no longer eat "snacks" like packaged chips or packaged popcorn.
I do a series of daily warm-up exercises every work day (for years) and I've been biking more recently, but not fanatically by any means.
I'm 5'8 1/2 tall (used to be around 5' 11")
Weight, depending on the scale, is 210 - 220.
If not for a bulging gut, I'd be in pretty good shape.
The bulge has never diminished, and leads me to think of mucoid plaque, which I think is as expected and as I have not taken IF#2 except during the bi-yearly juice-fasts/kidney cleanses.
So... I'm wondering what is happening now.
I've never had the medical doctor's colon-rectal exam with the viewing tube or whatever, I am over 58 years old. I don't want to go that route, either, but how would you otherwise tell if something was seriously wrong inside?
FYI I have not done a liver cleanse for over three years, and before that did a few of the
Epsom Salts variety, which is now known to be not so good for you.
Please advise.