Don't believe in that nonsense that 1 tablet is equivalent to four cloves. That is their own marketing scheme. They will come up with that according to isolating certain active ingredients, but does not get the whole picture. What you think is a die-off can also be contributed to an inflammation response. In my opinion high amounts of raw garlic can be highly irritating to the gut lining/ cause inflammation because of its burning like qualities(more is not better). The intestines then produce a lot of mucus to try to ease some of the irritation/inflammation caused from the sulfuric acids/allicin. The foul smelling odor comes from the sulfur compounds. Raw garlic is not a good idea for anyone that has IBS or a sensitive gut lining. And there is some debate that excessive raw garlic can kill both good+bad bacteria. It would not surprise me that it kills both. The excessive sulfuric acids might have the potential to burn cell membranes/tissue if not properly nuetralized by bicarbonates/other nuetralizers.
If raw garlic is killing the same amount of good bacteria as it is bad bacteria than how productive can that be? I guess it might be productive if one has a gut that has been completely taken over by pathogens. Seems like there are better alternatives at reducing candida without all the gut inflammation/mucus production that the harsh sulfur compounds from garlic can produce. People that have severe IBS or ultra sensitive gut might not be able to tolerate more than a few rounds of raw garlic. For me I found coconut oil/milk to be just as effective/more effective than garlic without all the gut inflammation that garlic gave me--- But that's my case. If someone is going to do a lot of raw garlic it might be a good idea to take extra bicarbonates or greens to help limit some of the irritation.
Stomach acid gets nuetralized so it has very little effect for candida in the colon and middle/lower small intestine.